
Off topic but do you guys have an irrational hate for Gears of War ? Its a great game and you guys havent had one article on Gears 4 in months. This whole summer has been riddled with great news posts.

Off topic but do you guys have an irrational hate for Gears of War because your unskilled? Its a great game and you guys havent had one article on Gears 4 in months. This whole summer has been riddled with gameplay posts.

Off topic but do you guys have an irrational hate for Gears of War because your unskilled? Its a great game and you guys havent had one article on Gears 4 in months. This whole summer has been riddled with gameplay posts.

The joke would have worked 100 times better and not as annoying or boring if it was under 30 seconds and Tracer stopped saying love so much.

This is like a 15 dollar indie arcade game. I wont spend more than that on it. Shit with my backlog I can wait.

Kinda the point, not everyone gets to find it.

Can we get an HD screen shot for wallpaper use of the old sonic bursting in the air with the flying rocks?

THE HYPE IS REAL, the feels man. This was amazingly directed.

They actually announced every mode would be splitscreen, weeks ago.

Same here since 2007 est.

If its more than just campaign for you and you don’t like mp either then I guess there’s nothing for you in this game. Especially not for 60 bucks. If you want to dose into campaign or horde might as well rent it or get it on sale down the line. Just my suggestion.

The hype is unreal. Cant wait to dig into that beta. Already got the week off form work. I really hope they have a crazy cool collectors edition.

The lead of the Gears team has said he has been really challenged with how much he wants to spoil of the gears game. This beta is an actual beta Beta is alpha of the multiplayer. “It’s not a coded, fake, demo, high polished thing as a marketing demo”

Well with improved gameplay for multiplayer all that really matters, new maps, new characters etc. Campaign at this point is an AMAZING bonus.

Do a quick google search for the new gameinformer info/wiki or read the reply I left for Wafflecrisp, there are no locust anymore.

As a massive Gears fan I am a bit biased but you havent read up on it so you dont really know how much new there is. Its a whole new squad and a new story, 25 years after the event in 3, no more locust but a new enemy approaches and you have to play the game to find out how and why. This game is basically the