
@janeowyn: Well it looks like at least he's consistently playing the same quirky character in all six PoC movies.

@Chinedu Opara: I also think the SF guide is better. I do read fantasy, so my reasoning isn't really based on that.

@Darksider1972: I'm with you on that. Goldfish are pretty resilient, but I'm hoping no fishes are harmed during the production of this art.

@Chinedu Opara: Got to agree with you about the book. I spent years finding and reading the source books that the aliens in Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials were taken from.

@b33g33: The lateral structures are its wings, it uses them to swim in the water, and sail through space on the solar wind.

@gods-n-clods: Good point! Brownies are more theater-friendly.

@99TelepodProblems: Precisely, wasn't this the way the Neo-Cons campaigned on the issue of a national constitutional amendment to prevent same sex marriage (even though it was regarded as unlikely to be approved)? Then once elected, dropped the issue altogether. Divide and concur by any means expedient.

@Exploriens: I would suppose it will matter to whatever else is around.

@Meirelle: Do it! It's a great book, as are the other books set in the same universe: Tangled Up In Blue, World's End, and The Summer Queen. I have all of them on my shelf right now. Another good thing is you can probably find used copies since these are older books . . .

@lazyeight: Ah, hadn't considered that. True, Atoll's do have reefs. However, isn't global warming also likely to harm these reefs?

@Re Hs: Really good point. I doubt they engineered it to withstand years of surf followed by complete submersion.

Maybe the Revrend Wiswall was an adherent of the Esoteric Order of Dagon? Maybe he originally lived in Innsmouth? Huummm . ..

@Chip Overclock: I put that question to the O-Deck a couple of weeks ago, and that was the general consensus. I had found the movie first, and thought if it stood on it's own, I'd see if I liked the concept before buying the series. Almost all of the replys agreed with you, that I should not watch the movie first. So,

Annalee must have read my mind about Firefly. I bought the complete series DVD collection lightly used via Amazon, and the follow-up movie Serenity from the bargain bin at my local grocery.

@hrnghl: I'm afraid they will get into the space jockey story somewhat extensively. Since there are supposed to be two prequels, they will need to have something to fill four or more hours of screen-time.

@gd01skorpius: I guess you could call it fan fiction, even though it's by a professional writer. I've actually heard it before. I say "heard" because I subscribe to their podcast, and his work was narrated by Kate Baker in January. Either way, I think it's very interesting. If you want to give it a listen:

@nanobot101: Always glad to be of service. I'm glad so many of the classics are now available for free online.

I'm not sure I like this delay. It was reportedly for re-filming, but why would re-filming be needed? Did the first cut pull vacuum that bad? I don't think a Hollywood studio would just do this to just to make the movie better, it would cost too much. I'll try to remain hopeful though.

@Fierock: I'm with you, if we can prevent the pregnancy in the first place, we should. Other options should be for unusual situations.

@Purple Dave: I think it's only natural to assume that HIV+ people acquired the infection through unprotected sex, since this is the way the vast majority do so. You do make a good point though, that like most assumptions, this can be incorrect.