
@ringer81: It does have its downsides though. In the video clip they say that this expert ghost shark hunter hasn't bathed in 14 years. Presumably, to avoid being attacked by a vengeful ghost shark. Perhaps one knows an expert in this field by the strength of his/her odor?

@typicalhero: I'm with you in that "Alien" was a groundbreaking film. There was literally nothing like it at the time. I don't watch enough horror to really know if it's still the "greatest" but that it is great is a given.

Now playing

I'm very optimistic about this film. De Toro might be just the director to bring us a first class movie adaptation of H. P..Lovecraft. "At The Mountains of Madness" may be Lovecraft's most film-able work, if handled correctly. Cameron can pull in the money and handle the special effects. It's potentially full of

@CanisPugnaxSnores: I'll see your Ghost Shark 3 Resurrection, and raise you a Space Warrior Cyborg Shark.

@JoshUng: I agree with it being an awesome job title. Along the same lines, I've always thought it would be semi-cool to work at an Apple Store. Although it's retail, how many folks have a name tag and business card hat proclaims them to be a "Genius"?

@Krakenstein: I would imagine that if one wished to catch a zombie shark, you would bait your hook with brains?

My brain sort of derailed when it encountered the phrase "expert ghost shark hunter." I'll can swallow the premise that there is a ghost shark. However, for there to be a expert ghost shark hunter, one should imagine that ghost sharks are a common enough problem that there are professionals who hunt them. This

@sibelian: Well, they sorta tried the female lead concept with the Sara Jane Chronicles. I agree though that The Doctor should remain male. I'm not opposed to strong female characters in the show, Dr. River Song seems to be heading toward a role like that.

@hitmouse: Wasn't that known as the "New Wave"? I remember that Michael Moorcock edited an recurring anthology of this type of "Speculative Fiction."

@antonchigurh: I was wondering what bird has that long a feather, some type of exotic pheasant I'd guess.

@Sabbatai: If you want to watch the episodes you missed, they are all availible on Hulu.

Annalee: This posting reminds me of a similar type of disputed carved stone in my former home state of Oklahoma. This is known as the Heavner Runestone, and it reportedly bears carvings in Norse Runes. It is now part of the Heavner Runestone State Park. There are reportedly several other similar but smaller

@Enorym: Wow, now that is some epic headgear!

@katgirl476: Birthed or germinated? Isn't he sort of a giant form of humanoid plant? His sidekick was called "Sprout" after all.

@DRaGZ: One must remember that birds evolved hollow, light, but very strong bones for flight. Even though these birds were flightless, the light internally buttressed bone structure would remain much lighter than a comparable mammalian bone. I also noted in the animation that the beak is very thin in its vertical

@GiltProto: It probably would have wondered if you taste like hominid.

@Charlie Jane Anders: How they mined smelted and forged the metal might also be a problem even for such wise old birds.

@Alessar: I think you might have a point about the drag queens having extreme skills with heels. In New Orleans during Pride, there is a popular event called the "Drag Race." It literally involves drag queens running in a foot-race while wearing high-heels (I think I read the minimum was 3").

@thekeith82: Maybe they ought to go all out on cheesy explanations? I'm thinking it could be explained as a alien prehistoric mutated whale that had been spliced by mad geneticist who were trying to make a super bioweapon for the US Navy?

@jdmcd: Well, at this point either Rule 34 or Rule 34B will apply to this highly disturbing concept.