
I think it's pretty insensitive to joke like this about what happened to Chalupa Jack regarding his boss. We don't know the situation.

This should be a cheap $10 costume at absolute best. $99.95 is a crime for that bullshit costume.

I was going to upvote you anyway, but then I saw your Dean Ambrose avatar and it was no longer even a question.

sorry, I'm just here to hug you about Alias. <o>

With a name like Steele Johnson, you really have something to live up to.

Cena seems like a nice guy and all, but his wrestling character is so stale and boring. I can't stand that guy when he's doing his main job (wrestling, which I love, Dean Ambrose is the best) but when he's doing stuff like his cameo in Trainwreck, he's great. This is going to be such a guilty pleasure watch for me.

Twitter was originally meant to work heavily with text messaging, so they made it 140 characters, to leave room for the tweeter's username for whoever received it, since a text message caps out at 160 characters.