
Maybe not right now, but if Breitbart writes an article about it, he'll know about it. Or Fox News.

What's especially difficult for me to reconcile about it is that he was doing these awful, disgusting, unforgivable things while portraying America's Dad on TV. When I look at Cliff Huxtable, I see Bill Cosby, the man who drugged and raped women, possibly super recently when it was filmed. Could've been the night

I just think she and Alex are the most boring characters in the show now, I'm okay with them sticking around but everyone else just has a much more interesting story that I'd rather hear about than yet another lovers' quarrel between Piper and Alex.

Hot Cheetos were a huge thing in my elementary school in the 90s, they've had an overwhelming presence in my education.

More like that they are the most boring characters on the show.

CNN is spineless, but I can't forgive this guy for basically doing a fluff piece on Scientology. That shit is not a religion, it's a human rights abusing cult and functions only to make money for Miscavige.

Yeah, I actually thought this was pretty emotionally impactful, considering they played the music and left the mic open for Chris, with the audience filling in.

Regardless how you feel about Britney's music, or how she performs these days, you have to admit it's wonderful that she at least seems like she's in a good place mentally. After everything that she has gone through, and what the industry has put her through since she was a child, she deserves to feel happy with her

It's interesting getting here late and seeing the Breitbart crowd find this article and leave their stupid little predictable comments.

Except for when it comes to facing Big Show at Wrestlemania.

Eva Marie is very much a gamer, so I wouldn't count her out immediately.

Obvious bigot.

I'm bisexual, and I thought about putting that in my comment as well, but I wasn't sure I wanted to get into that conversation. I just want everyone to get along!

The similarities regarding the fight for human rights, though? Because that's what I meant. Obviously it's not the same exact situation, but being transgender (not transgendered, that's improper terminology that could be seen as offensive) is still under the queer umbrella.

At least everyone can look back on this comment and know you're a bigot, thanks for having your history open.

It's really disappointing how many LGB people are opposed to the Ts. You would think after all we've struggled and continue struggling with, that we could see the similarities with transgender people and our own fight.

I don't think the one screen tier is HD though (correct me if I'm wrong.)

That's funny because that's how I got suicidal tendencies!

I have a crush on Vince McMahon. So, I know how you feel.

And it that way, it was very similar to another blue collar pastime (and one of Al's favorites) pro wrestling.