
Their reasoning for not hiring Jimmy was because they didn't want the negative appearance of nepotism to be associated with the action, regardless of Jimmy's talent. Kim's argument was that the statement is hypocritical, because clearly the perception of nepotism wasn't a concern when Howard's dad made his son partner.

And you gotta, you just gotta add your fucking political stance on the most far removed shit possible, don't you?

Delightfully bare-assed Dennis in ''Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs''

That's exactly what happened with Michonne and the zombie that had the piece of rebar in his collar. I really loved that scene because it felt exactly like what you're describing; the writers are throwing a subtle note that the usual way of dealing with their issues is beginning to lose steam, the tried and true

Man, Carol getting hit with a car in the zombie apocalypse is like in 1910 when there were only two cars in town and you get in a wreck with him. Just because the world has gone to shit, you don't forego basic safety like looking both ways!!

It's difficult to say which one looks more repulsive, Carol or Daryl

I loved how Noah looked so pleased with himself at unleashing the threat of walkers that would occupy Daryl and Carol long enough for him to get away, and there was just this almost comical pause of Daryl just glaring at Noah getting away, before they dispatch them in seconds and could have taken Noah out in the time

That was some nakiri knife action going on there.

Did…did you forget what the Governor did to her..?