
buy it in canada

I have never set foot in a Kia dealer, I think I would agree about the inferiority deal though.

20 year old me: I want to daily a 350Z

Our dealership is the same. Required a hard credit pull for the stinger. You could literally test drive a dodge demon, audi rs, or Lexus rcf next door without the dealer batting an eye over it.

It’s one chiptune away from stomping it guaranteed.

20 years old me: This is rigged! There is no way a freaking Kia would be faster, I’m getting a Mustang GT no matter what!

Now that Ford has decided its entire car lineup, less the Mustang, needs to go away, how long until a 4 door mustang drops? Anyone?

If only Kia dealerships weren’t Kia dealerships. My new joy in life is going to Kia’s Facebook page and reading the complaints of people trying to buy Stingers. Almost every post Kia makes turns into people bitching about their dealers being assholes to people who want a Stinger. It sucks for Kia as a company, but

It also appears that he could use the stock front window glass?

Former grocery manager here. Actually, a well-trained cashier is both faster and costs less than the self-scan, even at a $10-15/hr salary (which is still low, but it’s the standard rate). Self-scans are seen as a convienence to the customer and always have been marketed that way. There’s less presumed waiting time

It’s going to be a V8 with an auto, and the real kicker: it’s a cross-over now!

A Viper with this engine would be a HOT seller.

Car & Driver has been propagating the Hemi Viper rumor for over a decade now. Please stop believing their nonsense.

From: Car Industry

Goddamn. First Ford makes themselves a Fiesta ST Ute a year or two ago and now this?

Finally! Was getting shakes from withdrawal.

Indirect light is preferred for clay sculpting, as it casts much softer shadows. The potter sits facing a wall, and the light is reflected back on the workpiece. Not coincidentally, this is why the light is so bright, also making it suitable for roadway illumination.

Ahhh yes. I remember the Loophole fondly. In fact, my uncle Jorge was a politician, and something of an... enthusiast if you will. He chaired a commission that governed the Potter’s Wheel Production Union (PWPU, or “pew pew” in your silly english language vernacular).

I imagine a world where this article is the only remnants left that describes our cultural history to aliens. Damn would we sound inventive or what?

The downside is that Golminean women are also bearded.