Gay man here. Gay men are often just as outwardly misogynistic as straight men, but they feel ~empowered~ doing it.
Gay man here. Gay men are often just as outwardly misogynistic as straight men, but they feel ~empowered~ doing it.
Some of the shittiest comments I’ve ever heard about my body came from a pair of suuuuper woke gay dudes I worked for years ago. Between snipey comments about my thighs and my ass, sound effects they’d make while I was at my desk eating lunch, and the time they made “tuna” jokes about me (because hahah, vaginas smell…
I have a cashier that comments at my grocery store too! I try and avoid his line. But yeah, it’s incredibly rude and you never know what someone’s relationship with food is.
Yeah, that pissed me off. I was very anorexic for a long time, and now that I’m not emaciated-looking, I’ve had CASHIERS comment when I buy frozen yogurt.
Because I’m me (A bitch) I would have picked up the entire bowl of trail mix and shoveled more into my mouth while never breaking eye contact with the asshole.
I definitely agree that women do this to gay men too - thank you for bringing that up.
Ugh, that trail mix story. I seriously hate it when people comment on what/how much others are eating, jokingly or not.
Hmmm it’s almost like gay men and still men and think they have ownership over our bodies - even if they don’t want to fuck us.
Well, he stole those ‘the future is female’ slogan tees so I guess he’s an asshole.
I found out that my husband was cheating on me about a week and a half before the baby was born. I had suspected that something was going a few months before, but he had denied it and I didn’t want to believe it. Then I accidentally found a receipt for a hotel room, 2 guests, for the weekend when I had gone to visit…
Actually, I thought it was good advice. I went through the same situation and I was a fucking mess. Ol’ boy could have helped me out quite a bit with the baby until I regained my sanity. Then I would have kicked his ass to the curb.
I’m sorry you were dragged along but you literally know nothing about my situation and what went down. She knew... early on. Was briefly upset, then told him she didn’t care because they were in love. I had to speak to this nut on the phone while she interrogated ME. He’s a fucker. I initially felt sympathy for…
Nah. She knows he has a pregnant wife. And she chose to keep carrying on with him. Anything LW sends to her isn’t going to be received by an empathetic and kind person, mark it.
Exactly. The advice about her foisting child rearing for a newborn on him is garbage. He’s not invested in the relationship. If his lady can’t move to him, he WILL move to her, and if LW thinks he’s going to put in his work as a father, let him prove it otherwise.
Word to all of this.
Dear “Sorry, but I don’t have a funny name for this very long question”,
Yeah, that was my suspicion as well. Not too many guys are willing to jerk off long-distance for five years without ever trying to meet in person. It may not have actually happened, but I 100% guarantee he tried to make it happen.
LW 1: GET OUT. Do not listen to this advice here and get out now. It’s not going to get better.
The amount of time that affair continued, along with the lengths he went to to cover it up tell me one thing: He won’t stop. He sounds messed up. You sort of have to be to carry something on like that for so long. My husband carried on a affair for a long time and eventually came clean to me. He also has some…