

omg so true. My dad also loves the social workers and is like, we need so many more of them. They have like, 2 for his whole hospital or something awful like that. Not helpful when most of his patients are old, practical immobile, without family/caretakers, and poor :(

I’m pretty upset with how Jezebel readers are being so incredibly dismissive and actually shitty about this.
Nursing is a predominantly female occupation and as such has routinely been dismissed as a less than vocation for exactly that reason. We have to fight to be taken seriously ALL the time. I get shitty comments

More quotes from people who don’t understand how words work:

Can we ban people who don't effing know what humanism is from using the word in conversation or nah?

*Yawn* Childish name calling and completely baseless accusations. Try making a real argument next time.

She really has turned out to be one tough woman. Glad to see her turn what happened to her into such positivity. Mazel!

How cool is it that she is even asking? I think it’s pretty amazing that this is a discussion to be had in general with people who may have never even thought of it before. She’s uncomfortable and it squicks her out right now but still, it’s a discussion. The times, they are a changin....

The minister at my church gave an AMAZING sermon a year or so ago on the exact same Bible verse they quoted in the show (about dressing in other gender's clothing, etc) and how it related to the trans community. There's much belief that its a passage about being true to one's self...don't be someone you aren't, be

I am so happy for him. Forty years ago, I was a little girl who wanted to be Bruce Jenner. I wish I had known how much he wanted to be more like me. He embodied strength and endurance, and still will. I am giddy with delight that he is open and getting to be accepted and loved for himself.

A friend of mine dated a guy for 6 months, until he went over to to her place hang out one day and her mom asked what her cousin was doing over.

The conversation would go something like this:

so what happened??!!? Are you still seeing Girl no.4?? WE NEED CLOSURE!!! O_O

My dad is the third type of dude. My mom had crazy ass periods and she bled all over her skirt on their first date, and had to send someone from the bathroom to tell my dad what happened. He took off his jacket, asked the woman to bring it to my mom, and drove my mom home as though nothing had happened, walked her to

this is one I actually used. I was five years old, playing with my cousins at my Babcia's house. She was making dinner and was a terrible cook. When she called us in for dinner, I told her I couldn't eat because I was sick. She asked what was wrong, and I told her it was prostate cancer.

"Iraq has weapons of mass destruction."

When I was in eleventh grade, my depression was getting out of control. I was actually about two months away from a suicide attempt, but obviously didn't know that yet. I was taking chemistry with an evil teacher who clearly hated students and was just waiting for full pension. He was a bully to his students and I

I celebrate my mom is Father's Day. She raised me alone and that although many women and men do it alone now, raising a kid is job for several people. So I celebrate my mom on Mother's Day and Father's Day and if there were a "individual who helped raise you" Day I would celebrate her again. She did a very hard thing.

Not sure what you're not getting. She's saying her Mom was so great and attentive as a parent as to fill the roles of both mother and father for herself and her brother. And she's saying it with humor.

There's nothing to "not get." It's a personal tribute to a woman who single-handedly raised two kids who didn't turn out to be assholes, written by a person whose job it is to be funny. I thought it was cute. High five to the writer's mom. Not everything is critical theory.