
speak for yourself

See? This is exactly when white folks don’t appreciate the depth of their privilege. I mean ... I can understand her disillusionment at being arrested for petting a dog that wasn’t hers, which I’m pretty sure she didn’t realize still falls under Statute 416: Don’t touch my hair.

7. What does the soul stone do, besides make you murder Zoe Saldana?

Calling it, everyone in the next one who survives in this one will die.

The power scale is spread out in the Marvel U. The power levels range from like God/Yahweh, to Howard the Duck with Dracula and Stan Lee in between.

I was a huge Kanye fan. I used to read his complex style guide monthly back in HS. Loved his music and was even arrogant enough to defend it as “art”. I even fucked with “mentally depressed, tortured genius” Ye. Had his back to the end, but when a nigga starts repping Donald Trump, for whatever reason, I’m done with

That is correct. And if anyone feels like he’s trying to take the “power back”, you see any Chinese Buddhists trying reclaim the Nazi symbol?

I don’t know when he stopped caring about Black men, but he hasn’t been here for Black women in a long time (along with 99% of modern male hip hop artists). I’ve always hated the song “Gold Digger” because it’s clearly only about Black women. Two Black men, Kanye and Jamie Foxx, who only had access to Black women

I’ve been kind of critical of cancellations for first offenses, but how many chances have we given Kanye? Like, how mmany more times is he gonna have to show us he doesn’t want another chance?

It’s not like there weren’t any signs...

I was waiting for this piece and I could not agree more! Kanye is in the sunken place and he has mental health issues that he and his family refuse to get him the necessary treatment for. It’s not the “he’s a free thinker,” “he’s entitled to his opinion,” “he’s a genius” bullshit people have been spouting off for

The RRHOF requires a candidate to have a commercially released record out 25 years prior to induction, so many of the names you listed, including Outkast and Nas are not yet eligible.

Wait, did you say “Mama Said” had 1 good song? I know music is highly subjective, but come on yo.

Boomin System?
To da Break of dawn?
Jinglin’ Baby (ok that was an add on, but still)
Around the Way Girl? (This is a bonafide classic)

Bon Jovi got in just by sticking surviving for so long (much like Mr. Smith) and they are pretty much 100% garbage with a few catchy songs.

How’d it go? Something like, If you forgive us for our gold chains, we’ll forgive you for our iron chains.

I haven’t had the same fervor for him in over a decade.
The last good time I said “Damn!” about him was with his implausible movie with Queen Latifah in 2006. The last time I said “Damn?” was for that dumb ass “Accidental Racist” song.

Right! Radio and Bigger and Deffer were the top of his musical career. The Mama said album had one single, the title single and the rest was trash. Walking with a Panther was mostly trash. Mr. Smith was trash. He had 7 more albums after Mr Smith that I don’t know how they came out and were barely played. Trash. Album