
Is it wrong that as I read your Top 10 Things you did Last Night list my inner voice instinctively switched to Grandad’s voice? Damn I miss the first 3 seasons of the Boondocks.

Is anyone gonna take over the weekly recaps of this show, or this a one time thing? Read the A.V. club is gonna stop reviewing it, which is fine by me since that’s pretty much the only thing I liked to read there.

Bruhhhh that episode I’ve ever seen in my life. My 6 year old and I cackled the entire time...But honey, I HOLLERED when Jack said he was gone “get his 40 acres and ghost ride the mule.” L O R D T

Black-ish has finally settled into this shit. The first and second seasons were very, ummm, “We need to make sure not to offend the White people watching.” Now, Kenya Barris nem are like, Fuggit. 

I watched at least 3 times.

1. Slapped my thigh whilst laughing out loud

This is when Black-ish means ‘ish Black people do.

Gwyneth wishes she had this ass though. You’re white peopling me right now?

THIS isn’t how this works.. Sir, you’re being the white people of black men right now. 🤣🤣

I disagree vehemently with everything on this list. But I like the way it was written. I guess this is a paradox.


I have been called way worse.. lmao

Used to be my homie....

My people come by way of Jamaica so *shrug*

How the fuck can someone predate me in the VSB comment section, be a guest contributor, but no nothing about food. It is truly a mystery.

I feel personally attacked by this article lol

I fux with ratchet Christians...I do.

Dear Demarcus da Fuckboi: Here is your opportunity to make a new day a new you with her family. You know you can’t live without her now, well by all means make sure you act like it. Appreciate her, treat her right and let her know by word and actions how much you love her. Keep your tail tucked when with her family

As a Consultant I take offense to this shade........but you ain’t 100 percent wrong.