SP- 60% of the time, it works every time

I’m sorry, but Mazda let you down; the CX-70 is nothing but a CX-90 with a third row.

thank GOD, I was going to lose my fucking mind if I made it through the entire comments section without knowing if the Dacia Sandero had been delayed or not

“Tell us that you didn’t pay attention in HS civics/US Government class without saying that you didn’t pay attention in HS civics/US Government class”

While I agree the US should work harder towards a more balanced budget, the idea that the US budget is anything like your household budget, is just asinine.

Jack it up 4 inches, call it an SUV, and it’ll sell like crazy. Just ask Subaru. 

Judging from how she spent those kind of moneys fast and keep insisting on jaguar, I won’t be surprised if she has onlyfans or similar works

Parents expect schools to teach their kids life skills while consistently voting against any levies that would give schools money to actually implement such programs.

It just wouldn’t work for me, a real American person who tows his 50' boat up hill 500 miles one way, 7 times a day. 

Just ditched our factory tires that were on our 2020 CX9 for Michelin Crossclimate 2. The old ones were just on the cusp of tread depth being too shallow but those tires with only 26K miles of local driving had given up the ghost. The vehicle was “loose” as in the tire sidewalls were showing cracking at the the bead

Correct, See: Jeep Gladiator

I don’t exactly miss it, but for about a 3 month stretch I commuted from almost-PA to NYC via rail.  I would get on, put my bag down and nap for 90 minutes before switching trains at Newark-Penn Station.  If I had to drive the roughly 70mi each day instead of taking the train in to Manhattan my mental health would

My hot take, which I have said over and over and over again: if we want more cool little sports cars, we need better public transit.

No-one has ever ‘got out of trouble’ by accelerating.

It is ok to think of your automobile as an appliance.  For most of the general driving public your car is a way to get from point A to point B.  We don’t all have to be enthusiasts.

I’ve harped on the issue before, and how people are so blithely unconcerned about the sheer weight of EVs crunching asphalt and buckling bridges. You think America’s roads and highways are crap now? Wait’ll the cumulative effects of EVs pounding them takes hold.

The ignorance from both sides really gets me. Domestic VS. Import guys. If you can’t like or respect at least something from the “dark side” then are you really a car enthusiast?

Have you ever eaten a BMW?  Read the headline.

what else will 20 year old scammers buy? 340s?