Soooo, a BMW?
If it’s all electric why do they need the giant and hideous grille?
are you kidney-ing?
This is going to be super-expensive and sub-optimal, another EV for social display purposes.
How “wonderful”... another mole rat from BMW.
They have GOT to name a corner after her.......
I woke up about 15 minutes ago, turned on my phone, and this was the very first notification I got.
Ooooooh boy. I feel a slideshow coming on!
I mean, best grille for what? This gigantic grille has to be best at something. Best people smasher? Best worst grille? Best grille for showing how tough you are? Best grille for showing the wind who’s boss? Best quantity of black plastic grille? Best grille for killing sales? Best grille for Ram or Ford sales?
They didn’t find anything other than a new engine. However Jalopnik isn’t good with facts and details to compare with. The old engine was a 2.0 Turbo 4 and the new one is a 2.5 Turbo 4. They “found” 3hp on the V6 which is unremarkable. I’m not digging the new spoiler, it looks better without it. Other than the spoiler…
Really? Doesn’t read that way to me.