The Acura TLX is waiting in the corner rubbing its hands together in glee, after this announcement.
Bu..but...Circular vents! Aren’t you happy?
What’s the quote that you read all the time in car reviews? Ah yes, “Evolutionary not revolutionary” I see a mix of RC, GX, LS
Coming soon to a rental parking lot near you*
Oh yeah I read about that this week, not surprised one bit.
Maybe because the military has far stricter rules of engagement?
“You see! The unarmed protestors are not afraid even with our battle-proven armored vehicles! How brazen! We need something more intimidating. Can we get some surplus M1A1 Main Battle tanks included as part of the next year’s budget, chief? I heard that tactic worked real well in China in the 80s LOL”
Do we know if this is the 2.5Turbo for sure? Or do they have a smaller turbo engine they use on other markets that could find a place in here?
“We will continue to assault your eyes with such monstrosities for...the next 100 years”- BMW designers
2020 really is the worst year.
Nailed it! Genesis is everything what I wanted Infiniti to be.
I'm waiting for the inevitable comparison test between this and the upcoming Acura TlX Type-S
I’m pretty fastidious about keeping my car clean, but NO way I’m putting my hands through the wheel spokes to do that supine thingy and getting brake dust all over my hands.
Let’s see if they make the rumored inline 6 RWD Mazda 6 first, given the state they’re in with the impact from Corona and what not...
The torque’s range has benefited as well—Ford was able to find an extra 42 lb-ft at 2000 rpm
Truck is the new “Car”