Having had cortisone injections into my knee several times, I thought my physician advised that further injections would lead to ... degeneration? So, uh
Having had cortisone injections into my knee several times, I thought my physician advised that further injections would lead to ... degeneration? So, uh
dammit, I see what was done there. Reading the second sentence is the best!
was "sending pitches" a joke pun, since that's what they were doing all the days on the Wall? (Or trying to, anyway?)
Most people in the field of public health look at the DrPH as the lesser than, "couldn't get into the PhD program/couldn't hack the PhD program" degree. I'd move it far, far down the list.
I mean, even Potter Stewart didn't have these lines when defining obscenity, and he was a goddamn Supreme Court Justice. My parents spanked me and I'm pretty sure I'm okay, although I guess I should ask my friends and coworkers to be sure ...
There's a difference between banditing and posing as a qualifier - use/theft of resources, not to mention that tens of thousands of people work their asses off for the opportunity to make that BQ. It's a "thing", the same way that an acceptance to Harvard is a "thing" for high schoolers. Typical bandits don't pose as…
No analysis for women?
I think it's also worth putting in the above when he went forward with his "faith-based" training and how that correlates to his results. (Hint: the DNFs and DNSs came after.)
Wasn't this whole post basically a retread from a Slate article that came out today or yesterday?
Is it THAT absurd? Central Park Jogger much?
I'm glad someone else also remembers this. Fucking Crash. Who remembers that movie????
Fair. My bad, I'm sorry! The heart attack thing drives me nuts.
You are fascinatingly angry at my post. Congrats on your qualifications! Do you want to compare marathon times? We can do that too. It would be so fun. (Hence pulling the name "Uta Pippig" out of my head. I didn't need to go searching for that one. It's well-known amongst Runners.)
Also, Paula Radcliffe, 2005 London Marathon.
Hm. Not to burst bubbles, but this is kinda a well-known thing, even at the highest of levels.
tl;dr - If you have a family history of breast cancer, seek BRCA testing. If you have a family history of breast cancer and no BRCA+ carriers, you won't test positive for BRCA either.
Maybe a progressive organization, less so progressive city. See: Minnesota, Kluwe (who merely [perhaps "merely"] vocalized support).