
I mean, it's pretty evident that one of the darkest routes in that NYC map is the Marathon - my guess is that this "RunKeeper" site is for the novices (most of the NYC 26.2 participants, who make it in off of the lottery) and maybe not for those crazy ass runners pounding the pavement* at 5:30AM.

In light of the preceding article, "Female Tennis Player Makes History," isn't the headline of this post, I don't know, just a wee bit hypocritical?

So ... what happened with this?

Can we be a little more creative than the easy admission of Miley to these "worst of" lists? What's next, Kanye is a "genius"?

THIS GIF!!! From where!

Oh, come on.


I think the short hair wears well on her (and Pam Anderson, and Kristen Chenoweth, etc.).

After my first marathon, I made the local news for my hysterical crying meltdown jag about five meters from the finish line and precious follow-up interview where I swore I would "never ever ever ever run a marathon ever again."

Agreed. The same applies to being admonished not to run alone at night — with headphones on. There are several elements present in that scenario that could result in harm for me (even if there isn't a perpetrator lurking!).

Okay, how did NPH do that thing at 2:56? SERIOUSLY.

I finished HS in Fairfax Co, VA - where, at the time, they didn't do "valedictorians" but instead something like "honor grads" or I don't remember what the fuck name. The rationale behind this was to avoid fostering competition, which at the time felt like a double-edged sword: on the one hand, I couldn't be the

Hm. What about next Wednesday evening (5/22)?

Kinja, why so terrible? I attempted that FB page but to no avail either ...

Also, one last thing: the tests for ovarian cancer SUCK. The USPSTF I think might have even recently recommended AGAINST using them because they are so terrible (high false positives, etc.). Typically, too, with ovarian cancer, once it's detected it is often in a later stage of the disease.


hm. did this become a flop?

I feel like someone did to me but I don't know how specifically ... ?

Yes! Or Magnolia!

I'm ALSO in DC and want in on the fun!