
The Warriors are such hypocrites. Showboating millennial takes off work early two days in a row, and no one bats an eye.

being able to hit from the logo is apparently a transgenerational thing.

Well, it appears to be working for that fucker in DC who just swiped The Constitution.

Good sports trolling is Good

Psh, this guy basically wrote the book on hiring foreigners and stashing assets abroad.

What this blog does not take into account is the possibility that the real Sidney Ponson, completely unprompted, decided to DM Tom “Hillary did benghazi.”

“...the US spent 54% of its discretionary budget on the military.”

Uh, Quarters is almost exclusively played in college.

Not just the Dodgers logo . . .

Is that a fact?

The standard isn’t whether it happens during the course of play, because sports routinely involve things that would technically be considered “assault” happening outside of the course of normal gameplay. Every silly baseball brawl, every late hit in football, every hockey fight, would be grounds for an assault charge

“Protests and direct action have a role to play but don’t think that it alone will bring it about.” 

The craziest part is that the pass was thrown by Brock Osweiler.

Sure. He’s a famous person who acted uncool. Just as the headline of the article indicated.

Most people I know would be thrilled to get a letter from the President elect.

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

Hey, although I am an old I am also plenty busy playing Candy Crush, knitting and fallling asleep while watching TV. You young people do not have a monopoly on distraction ;-).

(Radio guy hates John Wall because his father was absent.)

But that’s exactly what they did! They asked him about the slurs and he responded. The reporter here asked if there was any follow up. That’s exactly what you’re asking of the media.