
Yeah. I think Raiders fans are the most evenly offensive. What I mean by that is that whether they're at the stadium or just out and about, they're talking relatively the same amount of shit wherever they go. Add on top of that that Raiders colors became gang-associated for a while (back when they were in LA), and

The nice thing about being a fan of a team, is that it is your own, personal choice.

At least Raider fans take it out on the people making 6 and 7 figure salaries, and don't sucker punch fellow fans in the restroom like they do across the bay. Why not just notify security if someone is really throwing foreign objects? Shit, it's against the law. Have them arrested. Does antagonizing them do any

Agree. Though, I have to be honest. I haven't been to many professional football games (I'm an out-of-area fan of my team), but of the dozen or so I've been to, going to the Oakland Coliseum actually wasn't the worst of them. Yeah, I got heckled for wearing non-Raiders colors (and the Raiders, of course, lost that

I'll bet that sounded a lot better in your head, didn't it?

Those fans are gonna be so mad when someone reads that sign or this article to them. So mad, you guys.

Well if that's the case, he definitely won't be missed in Seattle. Things will change in New York, where Geno Smith will definitely miss him plenty of times on a weekly basis.

Pretty sure the original comment was a joke and it just flew over your head

No, he meant pat. This isnt up for debate

Well shit. That's a cool guy. I'm a Mets fan. If they made the playoffs (ha) and I asked Matt Harvey the same thing he'd probably sleep with my girlfriend and shit on my front steps.

"@nknapple yea man you got em, and I'll gladly go eat with you but you don't have to pat"


The Onion has been doing this for years. My favorites: 'Ask a Bee'; 'Ask a Gut-shot Policeman'; 'Ask A Closeted Homosexual Riverboat Captain'

Oh. Sad. I came expecting to see amazing ramblings of an actual bride who actually took acid... I was imaging her sitting on the hotel bathroom floor of her honeymoon suite, legs splayed, furiously typing her truth bombs. Instead I get a lame advice column. FALSE ADVERTISING.

This comes off as more like what a naive high school freshman would think someone on acid would be like.

Sorry, but this is just absolutely terrible.


Swing and a miss.