
With a failure like this, you can turn the engine over by hand and still have enough friction for the broken gear to grab and rotate as well. When the engine is turning over at speed though, that friction is overpowered and lost, causing the cam gear to basically “freewheel” on the camshaft.

I know you checked the timing and gears, but 100% recheck all timing marks. Also, pull (seriously, physically remove) & inspect the timing gears, keys & keyways. Something has play it, whether through wear or breakage and you might not see it in the oil pan contents. Spontaneous loss of compression on all cylinders is

As I previously stated, “I’m speaking in generic automotive terms here (and/or) as the described problem could apply to any engine”. In this case, removing the side valve cover and watching for valvetrain movement would accomplish the same thing (you could remove the head, but yeah, no). Also, the timing cover would

Also expanding on this, as I understand, post war “go devil” motors used a timing chain instead of timing gears. Both of which still retained the use of a camshaft. Your response makes me wonder if you’re thinking all flatheads are like the two-stroke, camless (and valveless) gasoline engine which also have a flat

Nice try calling me out, but I’m speaking in generic automotive terms here (and/or) as the described problem could apply to any engine with or without a timing chain as long as they have a camshaft, which the vast majority do. And so know, flatheads also have a camshaft.

You probably still have compression but either broke the timing chain or cam off at the gear and now have an engine turning over without drivetrain resistance. Pop the valve cover off and turn the engine over by hand. If those rockers don’t move, ding ding ding, there ya go.

While I don’t hold the highest opinion of Trump, I can see the justification for the missile strike and feel like someone had to do it. I’m not going to go all partisan and say one side or another is always right or wrong, because that’s not true. I would support Hillary, Bernie or the Hamburgler in this case had they

Pay off your student loans first, then buy a car with the leftover $$$. Just because you go to college doesn’t mean you’ll make bank after you graduate and I can’t tell you how many college grads are now saddled with massive student loan debt and work at quiznos because life didn’t work out they way they thought it

“Here’s Exactly What It Cost To Turn The World’s Least Reliable Car Into An Off-Road Beast”

See article title

I wouldn’t call an old car body shell with modern components underneath a classic car. “Classic” pertains to a car being collectable over time due to attributes unique to the car. That can include appearance, but a car is not just a body shell. A car is a sum of its parts and when you “upgrade” key components like the

I don’t agree that diesel will go away anytime soon due to our need for an IC engine until battery tech catches up and their environmental impact during construction & disposal can be fully realized. Gasoline engines run pretty much at peak efficiency, but only on gasoline. Throw an alternative fuel at them like e-85

Sorry, driving a restomod doesn’t count. You basically have a modern, reliable car with a classic body.

Sounds like a stuck carb float valve. It will leak like a mofo out of the vent tube and makes your vehicle run crazy rich as the fuel bowl overfills, which would explain the surging. To give you a comparison, think of a toilet tank overflowing.

Loud, powerful, crazy high rpm, exhaust can be used to create additional downforce, can be run on eco-friendly fuels as gasoline may eventually become scarce and could very well become the future of internal combustion as we know it...Turbine/electric motor hybrid. If this doesn’t scream F1, I don’t know what would.

With all of the F-35's issues I can’t see enough production orders being generated to make production more efficient, lowering the jet’s price tag. Especially not when an existing platform can be updated to do most likely 75% of what a “fully operational” F-35 can “theoretically” do with less development time and for

Simple answer= Backpacking gear. Water filtration, food, shelter, fire, first aid, navigation, basic tools to make weapons/animal traps etc, in an easily transportable package and doesn’t make you look crazy to own.

Now Atlanta drivers will get to experience the joy of a Los Angeles-style daily commute. Better wake up 3 hours earlier.

Hey! It’s the defacto and totally non-racist “White criminal” from all of those t.v. commercials.

I ignore this “forecasted” new car reliability crap because all it takes is an undetected quality control issue like an internal rod casting flaw on a large batch to have thousands of “reliable” vehicles throwing rods well before 200k miles.