
This is at best a $7000 Nova with stickers. CP

Answer: Old Truck TDI Swap.

People should be begging for a lighter weight BRZ/86/any performance car. Drive something that weighs around 2000 lbs with 200 hp and it will be plenty “responsive”.

Sounds like case of installing a header and not rechecking header fastener torque in the following weeks. Thermal expansion/contraction and vibration are a bitch.

A bomb in a cargo hold would do damage. But allowing the electronic devices to be checked tells us the threat most likely doesn’t involve a bomb or anything that could damage the aircraft without being in someones direct control.

The reason why electronics of the determined type were targeted was most likely due to the nature of the perceived threat. As far as we know, the threat MAY NOT have been an explosive device (bomb) concealed in a laptop/tablet, making the checked bag solution a good one. This makes me think the threat may have been a

1996 engine in a 1999 vehicle = Not a legal swap in California. CP

“The converter takes regular exhaust, mixes it with excess gasoline sent in by the fuel pump so it can burn, and burns it, thus eliminating most pollutants.”

If we’re trying to send a message that says “if you keep it up we’ll bomb the snot out of you”, why move our drones over there to send that message when South Korea already has f-15's & f-16's that can easily do the job without the USA getting involved offensively?

Pretty sure that’s a Mustang bro.

I can see that being a problem especially with a composite wing, but on the otherhand, there’s no reason Boeing couldn’t design a new wing and parts of the fuselage for a contract of this scale. IMO Boeing dropped the ball and didn’t see a similar issue that existed with similar aircraft currently in the US arsenal.

High fuel economy standards could absolutely be met, except no one would buy those vehicles. We’re in the age where EVERYTHING has to have a buttload of hp. I owned a 2002 mustang gt and thought 250hp was PLENTY to have fun with. Now mustang gt’s have over 400 and probably get better mpg than my old mustang. I wonder

Yep, I would have to agree the X-32 was a turd too. I’m amazed the F-35 wasn’t cancelled considering its issues. I get the impression DOD wanted something new & spiffy looking no matter how bad the final product actually was because...stealth yo.

If i’m correct, the main issue with the x-32 was inhalation of exhaust gases on takeoff and landing, reducing thrust. Seems like a design flaw that could’ve been fixed in the prototype phase by moving the intake to the top of the jet (maybe fixing some of the ugliness too). I wonder if the X-32 could’ve used off the

I would take the X-32 if it didn’t have the f-35's issues. Besides, the air force’s ugliest (awesomest) jet, the a-10, is probably their most effective.

Ebay has a good selection of restomod Chevy C10 pickups well within your price range, most with crate 350 v8's, 700r4 transmissions and disk brake conversions. Some even have a/c. And since you don’t have a garage, owning a truck with a cavernous engine compartment and a downright spartan design makes

CP because this right here is a money pit. Reasons: First of all 3VZ’s EAT head gaskets and are in nearly every way inferior to the 22re. You WILL swap it for a 22re =$$$. Secondly, now that you got rid of that craptastic V6, you’ll need another trans, which will probably be the 5 speed manual to mate up to the 22re =

Many times I’ve *done. Had to correct myself. Grammar police. WeeeOoooweeeooo.

Many times I’ve did what I thought was necessary to get a car into “reliable” state only to have things break that I didn’t consider disassembling and inspecting in the first place. One good example of this was my 1966 dodge polara. The engine ran good after a tappet adjustment. Check. Crappy four wheel drum brakes

The worst thing about being a car enthusiast is the same as being a technical death metal afficianado or having any other hobby/borderline obsession. You go so far down the rabbit hole with your “preference” that it’s hard to come back out of it to appreciate other cars/other music. Eventually you realize how silly