Thomas L. Knapp

He was a government employee and the images were government-produced. They’re in the public domain. In recent years, some government organizations/employees seem to have gotten it into their heads that they have “intellectual property rights” in their work-related content. They don’t. I doubt that Aldrin makes that

Perhaps because he’s not even been charged with, let alone tried and convicted of, a crime?

$13 seems like an eminently reasonable fine for defiling bar vodka with ginger beer. If it’s a quality vodka, stronger measures are called for.

“I’ll be surprised if Americans take to it”

Gottlieb needs to go. It seems like all he’s done as FDA commissioner is grandstand on tobacco/vaping as if he’s the ruler of the world.

Generally when Amazon doesn’t make its two-day cut, the problem seems to be with the shipper (always the US Snail — I’ve never had a UPS or FedEx delivery take longer than initially predicted). I’ll see that the mail carrier listed my address as “mailbox, driveway or porch inaccessible,” when in fact nobody on my

“Anyone could have built that same website.”

“US intelligence unsuccessfully attempted to link the leaked documents released by Wikileaks to the Russian government”