
Modern America will not be a pitch fork wielding mob of people on twitter demanding people sell their property because they said something that could be construed as offensive in private. That's just now how it's going to work.

I'm really glad I read through all the replies to find this because this is pretty much spot on what I think too. Its not that the NBA is more morally upright than the NFL, its that their fans are so much more vocal and visible. If you're a Hollywood a-lister sitting courtside four seats from Sterling, you HAVE to

The Best Fans In Baseball™ who appreciate the game being played the Right Way™ care.

I mean, from my understanding, the whole purpose of the vote is that it was easier to have the UAW set up a Werkskouncil or whatever its called, than it was to build the thing from scratch. But because of NLRB rules, even if everyone in the plant, and VW wanted a works council to exist, they'd still have to have a

I don't think they expect anything to come of this and they're probably just giving a "full-throated" fight for the sake of saying we did literally everything we could to resolve this dispute, but I also don't think they're wrong.

No, I actually laughed and I do think its funny. There was no sarcasm. I DO think its ridiculous that Napa wines are generally thought to be superior to Sonoma wines (and are priced accordingly) even though they are very similar. (I think Sonoma wines are tastier in general, but there are definitely good products

"The release of these summary reports," wrote senior compliance officer Sherri Pawson in an email, "would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy of the students."

This is a great joke!!!! Its funny because thats what Napa wineries do!

I'm going on the record now, its going to be Anti-vacc nuts v. Gun Nuts for the championship. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who has tried to have a conversation with either will know that there is no other way this bracket plays out.

Oh. Maybe you can tell, I was not paying that close attention. Still looks pretty B.A. though.

Oh wow. From the inside the climb does not look that intense. I mean, I know you can hear them detailing the degrees and feet, but seeing it from behind like that is pretty incredible.

Mark or maybe Tyler, what happend at like 0:47 when it looks null-G?

I don't know man, I know in my business that if I don't deliver the quality that I promised, my clients have the option to either have me re-make, or simply refuse to pay and take their business elsewhere. Delphi is NOT the only automotive parts manufacturer out there and I think all it really takes is for one of

Right! but that's what I'm saying is, if you have to go online to finish the sale anyway, why not just enable the entire process to happen while they are standing in the store. No Tesla employee needs to be involved.

While states like Texas have Tesla "galleries" that show off the cars, they can't discuss pricing, offer test drives, or even deliver the cars that are ordered online.

Oh, I'm sure someone will find a way to get upset over this...

I mean I know they don't grow on trees, but even if they didn't anticipate the recall for 13 years, they could've at started manufacturing these things back in Jan/Feb when this started looking more dire (I hope they did, but...). And while I suppose the answer must be "No.", couldn't they replace the switches with

I understand that there exists a massive volume of cars/ignition switches to recall/replace, but as we're finding out, GM has known about this problem for nigh on 13 years?! Now they want people to continue to drive around in cars which are known to become death-traps (whether or not you have a light keyload)?