
Dear neighbor,

Someone call Trump - we need his 10-year old on the case. I’ve hard from the most reliable sources that he is basically the nation’s leading expert on THE CYBER. He’ll know what to do!

I would bet that they went about this the wrong way. I played a college sport where we routinely traveled with 36 or more players, plus coaches, equipment managers, etc, with everyone bringing at least 2 bags that matched identically to everyone else’s. We would all just wait by baggage claim, and as each bag came

  • Seamstress, 30-45 years old. “This character is charismatic, self-assured, and prone to occasional seizures. No nudity is required for the role, but the actress must be comfortable working with feral wombats and have strong bayonet-fighting skills. Must be at least six feet tall, with sallow skin and a pronounced

Why can’t the animals just use the tunnels the Mexicans will dig?

If only we had more awareness about guns in America

Stay safe students! May the spirit of MacGyver descend upon you and help keep you safe.

By “expand” they actually mean more Bono for everyone.

That said, I’m not sure what anyone else could have done, other than put out a bunch of free garbageware that changes your search default to Yahoo (this, apparently, has been tried).


Eric Jackson, a Yahoo shareholder

Why would anyone care more for what Trump says? Zuck has been more successful than Trump and failed much less without being nearly as big a dick.

It makes me wish PBS had the money to fund Mythbusters considering how much it taught viewers about how stuff works.

Because we’ve been fed the ‘all taxation is theft’ line for decades and lots of people believe it...people don’t lose elections by promising to lower taxes. Also mismanagement. Basically those two things.

Everyone likes to pile on Disney parks, but I think you have to go into it with the right mindset. Certain members of my family are Disney FREAKS. They’ve gone every year at least once that I’ve been alive (it’s not that expensive if you make a habit out of it. You learn when the deals are, plus they get a military

It’s not the quickest, neatest, or coolest. But I just enjoy my HiCoup waiters corkscrew.

It’s not the quickest, neatest, or coolest. But I just enjoy my HiCoup waiters corkscrew.

Someone needs to do a black comedy where Best and Jake Lloyd team up to kidnap Lucas, angry over all the flack they’ve caught over the years.

But how will I know what Game of Thrones character I am??