
#corrections Should be General Atomics...not Genearl. Earl thanks you, BTW.

This is just more of the pro-Apple crap that Gawker's sites spews out instead of being fair and biased. The Playbook isnt ready for Prime Time, for sure...due to the lack of 3G and a viable Android integration.

I was introduced to a text-based talked (Foothills) by a dorm-mate. He said, "Its a cool place to meet people." So I did...and my my wife there. Well, ex-wife...and the second ex-wife. Let this be a lesson to you kids.

Somebody get this freaking duck away from me! C'mon Fhqwhgads!

The controls dont port over very well. Tried that on 360...kinda blew.

I thought they said Monocle!

I have been watching the Reds/Brewers game...and this is amazing. HD streaming...I can even count the pockmarks on Edison Volquez's cheeks.

I wasnt trying to say that Mr. Chen should have perished, which I apologize for saying. I just think that journalists should take into account the lengths that these companies are going to in keeping secrets from spilling out. People should not have to be harmed to ethical obligations to win out. Sorry if my

Maybe if Apple had Jason Chen killed instead of just broken into and arrested, then maybe they wouldnt still be kissing Apple's ass...or may at least report on some Blackberry stuff once in a while.

Too bad he cant do a face redesign for Joy Behar.

Jump Remote Desktop is pretty good too...

But thats only gave him 30 extra passengers.

This is the best comment I have seen on here in some time. Well played, sir.

Correct. You have control of the board.

What are you talking about? That Honda Civic drives itself because Steve told it to!

They have this set up at the Museum of Science and Industry here in Chicago. At MSI, they said it measures your theta waves, which are produced when the brain is at rest. Seeing as how I have a completely hyperactive brain, I am 0-4 in playing against my friends/girlfriend. So, its not that far-fetched.

Does anyone know where Grimace was while this went on? We all know that he has been jealous of Ronald for years, and this is his chance to knock him off and be the lead guy for McD's.

Why would someone use Bing Crosby's corpse to search for a web article?

So explain this to me, as for I am an agnostic: Why can't Catholics just confess their sins to God directly?

Are you saying I cant snort cocaine thru my $500 Monopoly bills anymore? CRAP!