Looks like the horse and driver are one and the same. Nice ride, nice show.
Looks like the horse and driver are one and the same. Nice ride, nice show.
The new Oldsmobiles are in early this year.
Play stupid games...win stupid prizes.
Rates could be lower but companies have to figure in costs to cover people doing stupid shit like this to their vehicles. Kids...what can you do? Oh that’s right, raise them not to be idiots.
What I am telling you is that to someone who has $65k a person that has 3 times that may seem rich just as a person who has $16k may think the person with $65k is rich.
I saw that as well and i’d wager he in fact IS trolling based on how much the story keeps changing. Next thing you know he’ll be making $98 an hour working from home and just bought a McLaren.
I’m not entirely surprised you don’t understand as I am not fluent in Asshat.
From what you told everyone earlier you can afford your own break....dude. Look at that person making $195k a year, has a few paid off cars and no mortgage...would you consider them to be rich? Chances are you might and that’s just what someone making 1/3 what you do may be thinking as well. Perspective. Based on the…
It’s a matter of perspective. You indeed ARE rich to a good number of people. It’s great that you are where you are financially but telling someone they should feel bad isn’t exactly warranted.
My thoughts exactly.
They are indeed great cars. Tons of room (room for 8 OR 3 and a stack of plywood IN the car), great power, super comfy inside, reliable as hell (minus maybe the optispark), great to tow with, fantastic road trip car....its like driving your couch down the road.
Fantastic cars. Ive had 2 of them...one wood delete. Not sure if you know but the climate control unit can be put in diagnostic mode where you can pull codes and even have the coolant temp and rpm shown on the display. http://buickforums.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-10691.html
I was 19, the girlfriend (now ex wife) was 17. We both worked at the same restaurant and after work one night I decided enough was enough, I was going to start teaching her how to drive. At the time I had a 2 door Plymouth Sundance Turbo (hold your laughter) and it had a little pep to it. It was late so I figured the…
I love how his first reaction was to not check on the person or persons in the vehicle he hit and start flailing his arms like the world is out to get him. Hopefully his insurance and maybe a judge sees this footage and humbles him a little.
And in a rental.
I lived on the very edge of the HS district whose core was high dollar and close to the beach. That being said most kids had cars nicer than my parents did (merc, bmw, vette, etc) but by far the coolest car there was driven by a down to earth band kid. 1965 Karmann Ghia Cabriolet. It was British Racing Green with a…
Check the vid again. The lambo passed the porsche (who was probably slowing to stop at the stop sign which is why the “old guy” proceeded after his responsible stop) by getting into the oncoming lane and blew thru the intersection at WELL above the posted limits and nailed the poor guy...who is now dead.
I think JT realized that he just might be wrong but with the follow up comments he is now committed so he’ll just be riding that flaming wreck right into the ground...hard.
Girls, girls....you’re both pretty.
I rent cars for work and fun trips to keep miles off mine and usually go for a Mustang because why not. I always get the Ecoboost 4cyl and they can be fairly entertaining. Fun note...i paid in advance for a Mustang to take my son to Disney once for Star Wars Weekends and when i got there the lady said they were out of…