No dummy it’s a steel wall with posts on center every 8" or so. You can see thru but not squeeze through. This type of wall exists already on a portion of border.
No dummy it’s a steel wall with posts on center every 8" or so. You can see thru but not squeeze through. This type of wall exists already on a portion of border.
Just like everytime Trump tries writing an E.O., he forgets there are laws already on the books that prevent him from doing what he’s doing. Not only does he not know the laws, he doesn’t understand the POTUS doesn’t make laws, Congress does. Presidential E.O. are limited in what they can do. Trump has no clue.
WTF!!! How can you be a white supremist and gay at the same time? He’s going to buy his “boyfriend” a Tesla! How is it the dude is still breathing?
Thank you for your comment. The men making these laws always forget to take the male who impregnated the woman as the other half of the problem but, there are no laws preventing men from impregnating anyone that will allow it. You are correct that we are headed backwards. Until men are held accountable for their free…
I agree. More info is better than no info, or partial info and it doesn’t matter to me who says it as long as it’s factual. About the non-voters, I don’t think it would have made enough difference since the only candidate they would vote for regardless, was Sanders. Voter growing pains at the worst time in history.…
Which is why all personal interviews should be recorded. I wouldn’t take a phone interview or face to face without my phone recording the conversation.
Read my other post. I didn’t have a choice.
Here something interesting. I’m part of a pain clinic to help with my chronic pain. Of course I get pain meds. Been part of this program for 8 years. Am random tested for illegal drugs. Last month I was told I had to provide a swab to check for genecological makeup. I had no choice if I wanted to continue to get…
Right, like Obama was your POTUS and you had nothing but praise the man. Give it a rest with those stupid quotes,
I had a beautiful little girl in 1972. I didn’t have any more children. I am very much pro choice. Not because I think abortion is OK but, because when they start making laws about a woman’s body, it doesn’t stop at one law. They will surely come up with something else. Pretty soon you won’t be able to have any…
I know exactly what you mean and I too am sorry your pregnancy is difficult. Mine was too. But hey, I think you made a great comment and wish to hell I could watch you take this shit hole outside and explain in detail why he’s such an asswipe. This fool wants the father to give permission first. That is if you can…