
People say this, but as soon as Titanfall releases, everyone's gonna be opening up their wallets again.

Because it's a brilliant system with great games and some awesome features. Plugging your cable box into it and being able to navigate it completely by voice is fantastic. The games are fun as hell and look great. The controller is amazing. I could go on but this is my weekly limit for talking to a fan boy.

Are you aware that Skype is owned by Microsoft?

Tell me when all this next-gen crap is over...

Is it really that hard to just let people play what they want to play?

I think some Kotaku commenters need to recognize that the hardcore console gamer is the minority and not the majority. We all hate that Madden is a yearly release, but the sales numbers back up this business decision. Notice I said "business decision", and that's key. The main players for Sony and Microsoft aren't

I totally loved this application, but now It is too late for it. I found much better alternative: Mr. Reader.