
Miss has no abbreviation. Ms. has no longer form.

Mrs is short for “Mistress”, the feminine of “Master” (as in “of the house), or the feminization of the word “Mister” by adding -ess.

No, you god damned mouth breathing fucking morons, there wasn’t a single thing about the bible that influenced the Founding Fathers whatsoever. The only god damn mention of any biblical figure in any of our founding documents is when they say “the year of our lord” and that was only because that was, and is, literally

For a bunch of people who supposedly love the Constitution, none of them seem to have read it.

Years back, I had dinner with her and Jude Law and a few others, mostly popular academics, and she undertook a relentless campaign to be the guiding intelligence of that evening’s conversation. Maybe she isn’t dumb, I don’t know, but she was surrounded by really smart people and she talked over everyone, interrupted

Seriously. I mean this shit...

This was exactly the right place. On the first Sunday of each month, Mormon congregations set aside an hour of their Sunday services for open-mic “Fast and Testimony Meeting,” which usually consists of everything but testimonies: travelogues, political rants, “God helped me find my key!” stories, unintelligible

Church stops telling people who and how to fuck, people will stop bring their fucking-related issues to church.

Well obviously the armed, trained men wearing body armor were in great fear for their lives. I mean after all it was a black person with another black person inside her. Who knows what those two were capable of?

Folks......... this is a bus

so it’s a bus route, except maybe you won’t see a poor person? truly innovative

I can’t believe the person who thinks Santa is white was so expertly outmaneuvered by a man who thinks the world is run by fluoride-producing swamp lizards.

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

I was hoping you would surprise me, and be an Italian guy who was staunchly against all racial slurs, but, nope, you inserted your own shit into the mix, false equivalencing like a mug.

You’re full of’s not “just one white guy”saying that word and all the white guys suffer - cry me a river - it’s systemic racism. Racism is more than just saying the n-word...why don’t you ask all your black friends about the (probably daily) macro and micro aggressions they deal with. Do people side step you

My nephew Washing Machine makes weird noises and is clearly unbalanced.

Uhhh... how did he still have a job as a movie reviewer after that Emma Watson comment???

It’s interesting but sad that this guy is completely oblivious to the fact that he himself has been radicalized. Threatening to kill yourself for a cause and leave your kids as orphans, calling for the murder of people of a different religion, putting your anger and your cause over everything precious in your

People are also forgetting that these kids had _just_ been accepted. The admissions officers at super-selective schools have thousands and thousands of really amazing applicants to choose from. It’s only logical that they would prefer to pick up one of the just-as-qualified kids off the wait list rather than sticking