
lmao i know what you mean. in my life, i’ve known this josh, who was a gem of a human, another josh who is an awesome, overgrown frat bro type but not in the rapey douche way, and that’s about it for good joshes. i’ve also been sexually assaulted by a josh and had to be lab partners with a josh who looked and smelled

Yeah, this won’t blow up in their faces.

this is going to make the jobs of the security guards who prevent men from entering the women’s bathroom in the first place that much more difficult

I am of the opinion only someone kissing, hugging, or on the rush hour subway next to you should be able to smell your perfume

I learned English as an adult and I think I speak much better English than this idiot. I suspect that I was once rejected from a job I applied to because of my accent and because the job required TV and radio exposure and Americans do not trust experts with accents. The assistant of the CEO of the company I wanted to

YES YES YES you have to love the "his wife is hot so why on earth would he sexually harass anyone?" Because only beautiful women are sexual harassed! Because if men have a girlfriend they have no aggression! Because, hey, he just gave you a compliment, what's the big deal, sugar tits?!?

I want Hillary to destroy him. At the end of this campaign, I want the biggest thing Donald Trump is known for to be that he is a loser NOT a winner who lost the Presidency. I want the stuff that come out of his mouth to prevent him from licensing his name because companies no longer see value in using it to sell his you know what the word “appeal” means? They heard his side. They chose not to hear his side again after he’d already presented his side and they’d found that the preponderance of evidence was against him.

Psst. He did have a chance to defend himself. If you care to read about the process, which I’m sure you really don’t.

The coach’s statement wasn’t out of context. Out of context would mean something like they asked him his feelings on blueberries and then reported that he said he didn’t care about sexual assault. What happened was that they asked him about the alleged assault by one of his former players and he said he wasn’t

They are not there on sports scholarships. Yale does not have athletic scholarships.

We all know he was expelled because he raped someone, but I have to say, as a Yale alum, FUCKING FINALLY. This has been a problem on campus (and other campuses obvz) for awhile, but its good to see that Yale is doing the right thing here.

There is a strong piece of evidence available to you, that the university found him guilty and expelled him.

Yale doesn’t offer athletic scholarships so . . . . ya wrong.

I wish we didn’t give these young male athletes such an inflated since of self importance like we seem to do. This whole rhetoric of banding together with their brother and whatnot...please, you play college basketball, there’s honestly few things less important than that.

Damn, they must have had him dead to rights if he really was expelled mid season. Bring on the criminal charges!

I’m pretty sure the Secret Service isn’t supposed to enforce arbitrary rules from the campaign staff. Has the agency confirmed that it was one of their agents?

Jenner is a ‘secondary reality television personality’ who has received criticism from disability rights groups and African-American communities.”

Why is it the woman’s job to ensure a man stand up for a child?

This is, broadly, the point I’ve been making. I can’t blame the judge for the decision because the law probably required the contract be upheld based on whatever evidence was put into play, though that may well mean we have to work on the laws involved. But Sony is really the problem here. There is clearly no way