
Excellent point. I wonder if they didn’t show her because she’s still a teenager though.

I also think that some of the appeal of the Alpha hero is that he doesn’t need to be cared for. In real life, women still shoulder a lot of the day-to-day physical care-taking the home and the emotional care-taking of their partners. But a guy who is a supremely competent duke/vampire/captain of industry doesn’t

I want to live in this world where everything’s mass produced and clean and simple and they drink house chablis and play day spa jazz and all the decor is pastel and it’s always 1988-1992.

Divorce is a sin. Wives are just women.

If you change “police” to “king’s guards”, and remove mention of phones or Mexico, you can’t tell this story isn’t from 980 AD.

Why is this a thing that celebrities do now??? WHY IS THIS A THING?

I’m 34 too! I don’t use argon oil,but I also don’t use heroin. I figure I fall somewhere in the middle of the above pictured spectrum.

It’s not a dynasty. It’s a married couple. Let the panic set in when Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky starts running for 8th grade student council.

Or, alternatively, realize that the world doesn't cater exclusively to your religion and take appropriate precautions. If you can't abide by women sitting next to you, then make sure to also buy both seats on either side of you to prevent this from occurring. No one said remaining faithful was going to be cheap.

NO LIFE & STYLE. This is not “the Queen Mum”, this is the actual QUEEN OF ENGLAND, ELIZABETH II. “The Queen Mum” was mother, who was also named Elizabeth; the nickname was supposed to help avoid this confusion but apparently it’s ineffective on stupid American tabloids.

Frau Merkl doesn’t get it- but gazing into your eyes I can tell that you do, mien kleine hasenpfeffer.

The other article indicated he also cried at his sentencing.

As this makes me happy, I feel it should be included in this write-up.

Promise me that one of these days you will ask your father in law how long it’s actually been since his babies were born.

The moment a Christian is refused service, goods, housing, a loan or employment is the day Indiana gives this law the scrutiny it deserves. Troll them, Wiccans. Troll them hard.

Who on earth wants pizza made by an Irish family in Indiana?

"Man guys, being objectified is the worst. I totally identify and agree with women on that one. ... Redheads, though - amirite?"

Why a "[sic]" for "pores" there? That's the correct usage.

Something happens to me when I walk into Sephora where I assume that the prices quoted are in some foreign and incredibly devalued currency. It's only outside that I realize they meant $250 dollars AMERICAN. Is there a way we can fix this so that we're paying in maybe Lira? That would be better for me. Kthnx.

I'm totally with you on just about every aspect of this. Wedding #1 was a crash course in railroading-by-parents and the planning definitely helped mask what should have been clear warning signs.