
Very glad we’re able to access Jollibee in Chicago. The chicken is great and my partner actually loves the spaghetti, which is too sweet for me. I’m also a big fan of their gravy, which actually has flavor. But there is absolutely! Nothing! Better! Than the peach-mango pie! It’s fried! You’ll burn your mouth! It’s

(Doubt it’s wasabi, too. Just more horseradish that thinks its always St. Patrick’s Day.)

“I pay X in taxes” is a backdoor way of saying “I pay your salary/I own you” about government officials. As a government employee, I love hearing that phrase. “Good for you” is my usual response.  “I pay taxes too, idiot” is usually on my mind when I hear that.

I see this as being super useful to commuter and possibly gravel bikes but limited use elsewhere. The weight issue as outlined above will put of roadies who are more obsessed with weight than they are with getting flats. Whilst MTB riders will not care about the weight, the lack of being able to tune the tire to the

Growing up in northern NH there was a hierarchy of who you feared being caught do stupid shit by.

I’m convinced the Dakotas and Nebraska are trolling. There is no such thing as a sour cream raisin pie.

So what you’re saying is that instead of having 3 kids and no money you should instead aim for having 3 money and no kids?

Doesn’t matter how I think of it, I don’t like the taste of it.

they went the wrong way. should have ‘toasted taco raviolis’. you know, a ravioli filled with taco stuffs.

You’d need a catchy portmanteau that combines the two.

“Hip-hop? Sounds like something a rabbit would listen to!” is maybe my favorite movie line ever

Since a good portion of people now work in offices or behind desks, I doubt we really need to eat big meals in the same way manual laborists do and did. I can’t imagine doing physical work without a big breakfast first. Modern lunch evolved from workers taking a mid-day break for a meal.

All they need to do is put the goddamn spicy seasoning in the chicken sandwich breading instead of that mayo bullshit and they would settle this stupid war once and for good. 

World Market carries a fairly substantial selection of European potato chips. Obviously, it’s not going to be comprehensive, but it’s a good selection at a reasonable price. My favorite chip find was the Masala potato chips I found at a market in Kathmandu - they were so spicy and flavorful you could only eat a few at

The German ones are called “ungarish” because in Germany “paprika” is used to refer to both the spice and bell peppers.

I love caramelized onions with red curry paste, pepper flakes and cilantro for hummus topping.

what is the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean?

When you end up spending significantly more for all of the separate ingredients and realize all the prep and clean up barely make a difference in quality, then the $2.50 store bought stuff is just fine for the mid day snack that you will forget you ate when you go back to the fridge in two hours.

do you really not want your hummus tangy? when I make it at home, the garlic and lemon juice always make it on the tangy side

To get the creamiest hummus, you have to remove the skins from the chickpeas. Here’s a method from Cook’s Illustrated where you cook the chickpeas in some baking soda water to do it.