
I hope this sort of policy becomes the norm. It should even be extended to almost all drug possession convictions, those were originally presented as being merely something to hold over drug users so they’d make deals and give up their dealers and in turn those neighborhood dealers would give up the big traffickers

“Putting vegan pizza on the Fab Four’s plates is sure to inspire fans to try it themselves...”

Go suck on a delicious smoked baby back rib, you fun-sapping killjoys.

“Turn up the heat, turn up the heat

In a way, it’s almost better if the Pats win. I’ve become inured to the bullshit GOAT attitude, and seeing Philly fans collapse in on themselves would just be too sweet. On the other hand, if the Pats lose, not only do we have to deal with Eagles fans becoming super obnoxious, we all have to deal with overwhelming

They are going to absolutely shit their pants with ecstasy if they ever go to a Neil Diamond concert.

Hello Patrick,

More importantly, UCF beat UConn in the Civil ConFLiCT rivalry game, 49-24. And nothing matters as much as that rivalry, surely, with such an amazing trophy.

The turbines, sadly are there specifically because there are dams.

Turbines are a bit less “schedulable” than a dam. Meaning that it is really hard to time peak output of the turbines with peak consumption times. So in order to have turbines, you NEED a supplemental power source that can precisely generate power on

Ha! I love reminding Yankee fans the only reason Jeter’s signature defensive play existed is because his range sucked. An average shortstop gets to the ball with enough time to plant and throw.

I want one of whatever they were now.

I worked at a big chain store for fifteen years and I’ll say that no we didn’t.

I was in the parking lot of a Grateful Dead show in 89 and some guy was shoveling this meat-like substance out of a 50 gallon drum, heating it on a flat top, rolling it up in tortillas and selling em for 50 cents a pop. I ate six of em. Delicious!

It’s no fun when they break kayfabe.

In this instance FMK stands for Flense, Murder, Kill.

Britt McHenry made me side with a tow trucking company. I hate her for that.

Cheetolini supporters at practice:

I predict the Mariners will pick him up and turn him into a fourth outfielder and he won’t adjust and but they’ll keep him around for about four years and when he goes we’ll all miss him anyway.

he had to leave San Francisco because, he told reporters, “me libel vegan.”