
I wish it worked as well for mine. I’m lucky enough to also live in a cannabis-legal state, but it does nothing for my spinal cord injury related pain.

Enjoy your email, sucker.

CBD doesn’t even get you high. Christ... Republicans would know that if they’d just do an hour of research on cannabis. Like, peruse for awhile, learn some shit.

Of course, it’s entirely too much to expect them to be informed on anything before they decide to oppose or allow it 🙄

So, autism? Got it.

I think he’s just mentally retarded. He’s always needs people telling him how special, smart, talented or how not racist he is.

I want to point out that your reaction sounds very similar to the REEFER MADNESS that was used to criminalize pot, and eventually every other drug... Yes, there are negative impacts to society with all of them, but how bad is it? How much are we willing to accept? How much is REASONABLE?

Start with the actual reprehensible behavior first? Otherwise, it’s on the same token as criminalizing pot. Lots of people suffering for what is, in reality a very small burden on society...

Now playing

oh dear....he cleared the 40% mark this week and been on an upward trend since the tax bill. the Shit-hole comment will be very popular with the undecideds in my opinion and we’ve all seen more take home pay the last couple weeks.

This. He has been pretty clear about it in interviews.


“Do you think that as a member of Western civilization, you are or are not responsible for the sins of our fathers?”

“So when you say stuff like Soviet Russia is poisoning the rest of the world with their toxic ideology you are directly saying that Russia is bad.”

Except you only get 2 points for returning a missed PAT so there was no reason to worry about kicking it.

Rahim Moore in the 2012 AFC title game is the only other play that comes to mind.

The great thing about this comment is, it would have been just as valid had the Vikings NOT won after blowing a 17 point lead.

Yet another game with guys losing their footing all over the place. It’s like the entire NFL replaced their turf with Folger’s crystals about a month ago.

And he was only the offensive *coordinator* for Alabama for one game! The rest of that season, he was just one of multiple offensive *analysts*!

He wants to push Mexican food into an extremely fancy category in one fell swoop, hoping to shatter the “‘cheap’ stereotype” that Mexican food sometimes gets trapped in:

So, I teach Rhet/Comp (argumentative logic in a written capacity) at the college level, and have for the last twelve years.

The level of obfuscation, dissemblance, and general reliance on logical fallacies that this administration continues to engage in is absolutely flabbergasting. I’m no political pundit, but I do