
The A’s falloff in 2014 was more due to their platoons falling apart due to injury than Cespedes leaving the team. Cespedes was a good, not great player that year.

Counterpoint: If we get rid of the stupid-ass pitchers being forced to hit the distinction between the leagues will be even less and more like the NFC vs. AFC in the NFL.

Fisher then added: “One trick is to tell em stories that don’t go anywhere – like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time.

The point is that it isn’t poorly edited or translated or re-edited. This is how the next president talks.

He wouldn’t have gotten hit if he wasn’t acting like such Awini.

Nope, fuck Peter Thiel. Gawker fucked up too, but fuck Peter Thiel.

Manfred might say it’s driving fans away. I call it baseball, and he can fuck right off. That whole chess match was thrilling as fuck.

I gotta try that now.

Cleveland pulls this off, Francona goes to the HOF, right? I mean, he was borderline before this but this is some next level managing. In the next few years, we may be looking at these playoffs as when the game really changed how staffs are managed in critical series.

As long as Andrew Miller doesn’t kick anybody in the dick, I think they’re ok.

But cast iron pans aren’t magic

I want to tell her to calm down but then I think about the seething existential rage I experience at people that walk three wide in hallways and amble, or left lane hogs, or people that take too long to use the sugar/cream station at Starbucks, or people that forgot the form at the Post Office, or try and get on the

I never said it didn’t allow the people to keep arms. I was saying your claim of the intent was, and always will be, incorrect. It even says right there that the intent is for “security of a free State,” which is decidedly different from “the power to overthrow a corrupt or failing government.” which you stated was

+1 screen name. What a great record

I don’t fuckin’ roll on Shabbos.

So Bauer cut his finger on his drone WHILE he was supposed to be pitching?! Well ok then, I can’t support that. I had assumed it happened away from work and that comments like this came idiotic mouth breathers who think pro athletes aren’t allowed to have hobbies on their time off. Thanks for clearing this up!

The thing about folks from Boston is that they are usually insufferable even without sports.

As a Mets fan, I prefer to think of this as the 10th anniversary of Endy Chavez’s catch. Also, fuck Aaron Heilman.