
Coincidentally, A-Rod became a jerk-off in a cup.

Pretty sure the “Fan Interference” rule causes the ball to be dead. The batter would be considered automatically out if it was a reasonable play (meaning the fielder would not have to go to extreme lengths to catch the ball). Runners would have to stay where they are on the basepaths.

Yeah, I concluded that when I read the thing about how Donald Trump testified under oath that he didn’t remember saying he has the world’s greatest memory, and that was HOURS before this Brexit shit. It’s like Andy Kaufman is directing 2016 or something.

He was, has always been, and always will be, a slick huckster who honed his skills safe and secure in the knowledge that if he ever fucked up, his family had the money to buy the silence or satisfaction of those he wronged. As he grew up, just like the phenom athletes we all know and love, he began to see himself as

Ground rules include no penalties for hooking.

Isn’t Trailer Park Supervisor paying minimum wage? And in Randy’s case, paying in cheeseburgers?

I’ll defend the refs on this one. The linesman on the far side, whose call this really is, probably has his view of the ball blocked by the goalie’s body. The center referee is half a field away and, from his terrible distance and angle, and with his eyes being at 5 feet off the ground instead of 30 like the camera,

My favorite part of this joke (besides it just being funny) was that it invites people who don't get the joke to give their views on Trump. Well done.

It was quite a shock to move to CA where you can buy hard liquor in a $.99 store, or pick up some tequila with your opiate prescription at the drugstore. Mind blown.

The only bad thing about that moment was the Arizona music guy playing four seconds of Sinatra to rub salt into the Yankees’ wounds.

My wife does emergency medicine for venues: MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL games, concerts, etc.* She and the longtime EMS hands who work with her all agree: in terms of “dipshit fan behavior,” Country shows are hands down the worst: tailgaters drinking from early AM, teenagers who can’t handle their booze, women falling off of

Now playing

OK, I guess I'll just come right out and explain the joke, since you're pretending to have the reading comprehension and critical reasoning faculties of a fish stick.

Chances are if it contains "-son" it was not destined to be a girl's name.

I can dig those names. Silas and Audrey are very strong but not pretentious sounding names. Shit, kids should be so lucky to share a name with Audrey Hepburn, not that I'm implying you intentionally did that, but I think you get what I mean. I raise a glass to your fine naming choices.

If we had found out we were having a boy, the Mrs. and I were going to name him Silas, my grandfather's name. He was like John Wayne, but shorter. A man's man.

Deisel, Sketch, Midnight etc can't be good human names because, get this, they are already names for other things. If a name has an x or a z or more than 3 syllables or any association with some pop culture crap like Twilight then it also sucks.

Dumbest girl's name I've encountered to date: Emerson.

Bullshit, Drew. I've got a weird name and I turned out just fine. Plus, I never got mixed up with any of the multiple "Erics" or "Dans" in my class - I was the only "Shoulda Had An Abortion" in school.

Fuckly, Pooplisa and Christopher.

I just X-rayed my game-used A-Rod bat. Are there any X-ray technicians out there who can help me analyze this?