
The people that I worked with would occasionally bring the entire crew pulled pork sandwiches for dinner and I’m 99.99999% sure they were from Manna. I remember the sandwiches being good, but I’m neither BBQ snob nor connoisseur, so I’m perfectly fine eating a sandwich made with slow cooker shredded pork and a jar of s

Just last week, I saw a Budweiser hot sauce gift pack that Grocery Outlet was selling for under $10. At that price, I thought about getting it but then I remembered the Christmas where one of my stocking stuffers was a four pack of hot sauce. While the sauces weren’t horrible, they ended up being so far down on my hot

Seattle’s lone entry (La Cabaña) happens to be in a neighborhood that I’ve both lived and worked in, although I’m about ten years removed from the area. Places to eat in that neighborhood tend to turn over pretty quickly (except for the god-awful Karaoke hellhole that is the Rickshaw) so hopefully landing on this list

I’m kinda bummed, the local Fred Meyer used to carry a few different varieties of Tadah! frozen falafel wraps and I ignored the ones that had labneh inside. I ended up getting one with labneh by mistake and ended up really liking it, so when I went to the store the next week, I picked up another one from a selection

Went to the store on Saturday and found queso Oaxaca so I got myself a block (or a wheel, to be more specific). It seems like the fat content is a little higher so I’m not gonna do a 100% cheese swap yet, maybe more like 50/50.

Over the past couple of days, I’ve been reading up on queso Oaxaca and whether or not I should attempt to incorporate it into homemade pizza. At this point, I’m thinking about the first pizza being Detroit-style pizza (using queso Oaxaca as a stand-in for Wisconsin brick), but I’m also going to make a few other pan

I get Halo Top when the local Grocery Outlet has an interesting (and deeply discounted) flavor in stock. At $3 a pint, Halo Top is actually worth the price.

7-11 pizza is the embodiment of the line “even bad pizza is still okay”. As far as flavor is concerned, 7-11 pizza tastes more like a pizza-adjacent substance, but since the whole pizzas have to be cooked on demand, you know you’re a getting a hot and fresh pizza that hasn’t been sweating it out in the hot case.

I’m really good at making sure soap and water is the first thing my hands touch after handling raw meat. Since it’s much easier to brown up lean poultry that’s been reshaped into patties, I’m more worried about little bits of gummy, sticky meat flying off my hands and landing on the counter - It almost always takes a

For a few years I worked at a New York-style pizza place located in an area of the country about as far away from NYC as one can get. We had a small but loyal contingent of NYC area transplants who were seemingly thrilled that we offered slices “just like back home” but I still heard lines like “it’s not quite as good

I’ve always said that if New York style was truly so good, it’d take over the native pizzas in the rest of the country like an invasive weed. None of the ingredients related to the style are geographically specific to the NYC area and can be obtained pretty much anywhere a pizza shop decides to open up in. The same

Don’t hold your breath, unless you happen to be close to the vicinity of an open can of surströmming, then I’d recommend holding your breath.

I assume Dershowitz’s hand has been forced into having numerous one-ways, so this certainly checks out.

Sometimes it’s better to leave your Twinkie inside the wrapper.”

This sounds good, but I already make burritos using fillings that somewhat align with the concept. I just sautee peppers and onions up before adding some kind of protein and I use a sauce that’s a blend of cream cheese and another spicy condiment (Dave’s Insanity Sauce frequently enters the situation here). This year,

Rotisserie chicken is versatile enough that I don’ t think I’d have any issue using it in one meal per day for 40 days in a row. What this guy’s doing is above both my pay grade and willpower.

Subway is far from being my favorite fast food chain, but I held on to a quite bit of circumstantial nostalgia for them far longer than I should’ve. Subway was one of the first large chains that opened up as the little town I lived in began the transition to suburban bedroom community. I was a picky yout so I really

Not too long ago, I was making stew and when I needed to dive into my pantry for some red wine vinegar, I completely lost my train of thought, grabbed a bottle of El Yucateco green habanero sauce by mistake and doused the stew with it. I’m telling you I didn’t make a mistake, I made a happy little accident and now I

For a second, I thought your 44 gram soup was a soup made with 44 different types of beans (grams), and that actually sounds like an even more delicious kind of 15 bean soup.
