
After a particularly heinous backup caused by an overload of peeled carrots, I had it drilled into me that certain things were never to be put down the garbage disposal; peeled potato/sweetpotato, peeled carrot, onion skins, papery garlic husks, and corn husks.

Last year, I had a sweet potato and marshmallow casserole that I’m not sure my blood sugar has completely recovered from. I’m no stranger to cycling-induced sweet tooth, and I’d consider myself to have a sweeter tooth than most people, and I felt like I was consuming straight-up sucrose syrup. 

I recently came across the concept of microwaveable pumpkin “cakes” and I found that swapping out the sugar and half of the pumpkin puree with very ripe banana yielded a nice texture (they’re little more than canned pumpkin and egg, so they’re a tad more sponge like than, say, pumpkin pie) and had about as much

Over the last winter, I developed a higher cadence on the bike without even realizing it. In the past, sustaining a certain speed at a higher RPM would tax my aerobic engine fairly quickly (especially in the spring, after not really riding during the winter). I made it a point to get some rides in last winter and I

Trail mix really isn’t a much better option than some of the junkier snack foods out there. If you’re sitting down and eating trail mix like it’s popcorn, it’s incredibly easy to eat 500 calories worth of trail mix in one sitting without realizing just how many calories you’ve eaten. Most trail mix is made up of some

This looks absolutely delicious, thanks for sharing your experience!

I honestly don’t know what the more horrifying thing on that plate is; the unidentifiable (to me) species of rodent or the gray things that look like they may or may not have played a vital role in keeping another unidentified species alive.

Frank’s wing sauce is a little thin, but if you add some to a roux-based gravy made with chicken stock, you got something good enough to dip either nuggets or chicken strips in.

I used to love Abba Zabbas and Big Hunks but I just kinda stopped eating them after a chicken nugget was able to break off a piece of a capped front tooth. I got the tooth recapped but if a soft chicken nugget was able to cause something like that to break, then anything’s possible.

Are prawn balls anything like rocky mountain oysters?

Back in the days when I ate frozen fries on a consistent basis, I’d gotten into the habit of using a gravy made with au jus concentrate. Come to think of it, that’s really the first roux-based gravy I ever really learned to make, and once I got the hang of it, I was able to branch out my gravy game into some weird

If your goal is to get me to drool over my keyboard, you’ve succeeded.

Honestly, I use tahini sauce in more of a niche role. Last week, I made sandwiches with some falafel seasoned turkey patties and I went with tahini sauce since falafel and tahini work together. If we’re talking about a more typical sub made with cold cuts, I’m not sure if tahini would be the answer. As for me, I go

On sandwiches, tahini sauce is leaps and bounds above anything that remotely resembles mayo.

There’s no debate here, they both suck!

“Ewww, this wax tastes like candy corn!!”

I’m getting to this super late, but it’s nice to see the persimmon get a mention. The weird thing is I don’t care much for persimmon skin even though it’s completely edible, so in an effort to make the skin as easily removed as possible, I freeze the persimmons and rinse them under hot water when I’m ready to eat

I’m one of those rare people who prefer bananas to be yellow and visibly leopard-spotted. When they reach perfect (over?)ripeness, I freeze them and eat them with PB2 (as a side note, I’ve been using powdered peanut butter for so long that I actually think it works better with frozen bananas than the regular peanut

Plantain chips with spicy banana sauce is a winning combo.

I fell off the wagon with the mayonnaise part, but throwing sour cream out there is like jamming the wagon into reverse and going back to run me over a few times just for good measure.