
If your goal is to get me to drool over my keyboard, you’ve succeeded.

Honestly, I use tahini sauce in more of a niche role. Last week, I made sandwiches with some falafel seasoned turkey patties and I went with tahini sauce since falafel and tahini work together. If we’re talking about a more typical sub made with cold cuts, I’m not sure if tahini would be the answer. As for me, I go

On sandwiches, tahini sauce is leaps and bounds above anything that remotely resembles mayo.

There’s no debate here, they both suck!

“Ewww, this wax tastes like candy corn!!”

I’m getting to this super late, but it’s nice to see the persimmon get a mention. The weird thing is I don’t care much for persimmon skin even though it’s completely edible, so in an effort to make the skin as easily removed as possible, I freeze the persimmons and rinse them under hot water when I’m ready to eat

I’m one of those rare people who prefer bananas to be yellow and visibly leopard-spotted. When they reach perfect (over?)ripeness, I freeze them and eat them with PB2 (as a side note, I’ve been using powdered peanut butter for so long that I actually think it works better with frozen bananas than the regular peanut

Plantain chips with spicy banana sauce is a winning combo.

I fell off the wagon with the mayonnaise part, but throwing sour cream out there is like jamming the wagon into reverse and going back to run me over a few times just for good measure.

The last time I bought a package of pretzel buns I was so disappointed with the texture that I decided they’d be better used in a panade. I ended up making some weird Swedish meatball/meatloaf inspired dish that included caraway seed, butter sauteed garlic, and a bunch of fried onions that I had just gotten from an

Parmesan cheese is shelf stable but people would probably think I was off my rocker if I were to just randomly produce a shaker full of parmesan, dump some on my palm, and lick it off right there on the spot.

To each their own...

I just had a couple of Hachiya persimmons within the last week or so. I bought a bunch of them back in the fall, waited for them to ripen, and then threw ‘em in the freezer. I’m down to one left, so I’ll have plenty of room to handle this year’s stash. I tend to skip over the persimmons when the summer produce is in

I think the people in the Puget sound area that claim to like fall are confusing late summer for fall and also forgetting that November and December are also fall months and boy do they both suuuuuuuck.

I may never see the light of day in this world you subscribe to.

Wait a minute, who says we have to wait until it’s autumn to break out the cinnamon?

Obesity is also something that’s been largely manufactured as well. It’s so god-damned easy for a person with “normal” genetics to enter into a long-term caloric surplus and gain a whole bunch of weight as a result. Shit, that’s the reason why the obesity rate started ticking up almost immediately after the sugar

Why not split the difference and use something that can act as both the starch and the protein?

I like flat strips because I can assemble them in single layer and evenly distribute nacho toppings without creating a sad pile of naked chips under the fully-dressed top layer. The only problem with strips is that there’s no great bagged tortilla strip that’s widely available (to my knowledge). You just can’t beat

Evolution can only happen when something mutates in a direction that gives the being in question an advantageous ability over other similar beings who’ve yet to mutate. Given that these examples arise from an inability of sorts, I think it’s fair to say that evolution is not what’s happening here - in fact, it’s