
I’ve gotten pre-packaged, pre-cut broccoli and it just can’t compete with whole heads of broccoli. It’ll take me about ten minutes of extra effort to prep two large heads of broccoli but it’s worth it in the end. The pre-cut stuff doesn’t seem to roast up in the same fashion.

A church tipped me five bucks on a 100 pizza delivery order that was well over $1,000 (and a discount price to boot!). To put things in perspective, we were such a small operation that we essentially had to shut down regular service during the time it took to get such a huge order out the door, and we were also both at

I worked at a place that used polenta in the dough but it never really added any significant flavor to the cooked pizza, but we also weren’t toasting the polenta - that sounds like a good idea. We always sprinkled the peel with a dusting of cornmeal and that ended up being a much more predominant flavor than the

Y’ know, usually the easiest and most obvious solution gets to be that way because it’s also the best solution. I just think it’d be a fun challenge to bake that corn tortilla flavor right into the dough. I’ve also considered incorporating hominy since hominy is like the essence and backbone of a good corn tortilla,

It’s weird, I’m not normally a fan of [insert other completely different food here] pizza mashups, but taco pizza is the one exception (as long as the sauce is some kind of red sauce with a tomato or chile pepper base).

I would absolutely love to find a way to incorporate elements of the crispy corn tortilla without having to settle on sprinkling crushed up corn chips on top of the pizza. I’ve made dough using nothing more than yeast and the liquid drained from a can of corn and the while corn flavor didn’t come through at all in

As someone who doesn’t mind rare or even black and blue steak, I absolutely would try raw pork (or any other meat, for that matter) if I could be assured it wouldn’t make me sick. Hell, every time I cook bacon I’m presented with a small but nonetheless lingering temptation to try it raw. 

Sorry that you had to fall on this stink grenade for the benefit of others. I don’t think I’d eat cauliflower even if it were deep fried and covered in chocolate sauce.

Sometimes I’ll put the cheese on top just to keep the lettuce in place. I find that whenever I put hot sauce on top of the taco, it ends up falling out with the lettuce instead of matriculating down into the taco. The only thing worse is breaking the shell while attempting to pry open a small slot on the side for the

The PNW has always had a forest fire season. Fires on the eastern side of the Cascades are an annual occurrence, and even the forests on the western side are susceptible during the right timeframe. I know everyone thinks of PNW forests as rainforests, but only a small section in Washington is actually wet enough year

I gotta say, the picture on the box isn’t really selling the pizza all that well. That pizza looks like it was cooked in a easy bake oven.

I can vouch for the bratwurst and rice combo. I’ve made pilaf-style rice by toasting the rice in bacon fat, cooking it in chicken stock, and topping it with cooked bratwurst and eggs over easy. I’ve never actually attempted a rice dish as complicated as a risotto, but I think that needs to change and I can see myself

I’ve made a nice apple dip with PB powder, tamarind, lemongrass, and cinnamon. I also use it frequently with frozen bananas or whole wheat tortillas. If you’re gonna use the powder as a standalone spread, the key is to find a ratio of powder to constituting liquid that suits your tastes, and the directions on the

I’d probably make roasted beets more often but I don’t care much for the process of peeling them. Actually, I feel that way towards any veggie that’s kind of squat and round and hard to hold. On the other hand, carrots are like the best thing to peel.

The red delicious apple certainly wasn’t bred to be delicious, but boy is it ever red!

Pan pizza is so much better. The cheese and sauce both cover the entire pizza and the cheese that surrounds the edge browns up into crispy, salty deliciousness.

Hey now, there’s no reason to get tart with me. 

It’s a fictional story, and in both the novel and the series, the missing characters are completely fictional. The only thing that’s ostensibly real is the location, and that doesn’t necessarily have to act as driving point for the story.

So these have tart in the name but don’t normally contain anything that could be considered tart? That’s kinda odd.

My socially-distanced Thanksgiving leftover plate drop off contained an apple stuffing and a couple spoonfuls of roasted sweet potatoes. I kinda balked at the sweet apples being in the stuffing because I think of stuffing being a savory dish, but the apples in the stuffing were nothing compared to the sweet potatoes.