
As someone who uses a few miles of road in order to get to the nearest bike trail, garbage/recycling day has become the bane of my existence. I’m lucky that for most of the route, there’s a clear and visible shoulder, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of obstacles present that require me to use the lane of

The “bleach is a miracle cure” peddlers must’ve really flattered Trump’s baboon ass, and since Trump is a malignant narcissist, he can only smell the scent of flattery even if it’s being served up to him on top of a huge, steaming pile of bullshit. I’m not even sure how to feel about the bleach cure con-men at this

Yankee fans...never forget about those disgusting creatures. 

Chickpea pasta is also made with pea protein and the dried pasta has a smell and flavor reminiscent of fresh garden peas. It fades away as the pasta gets cooked and is pretty much undetectable once the pasta’s under any kind of sauce or in any kind of soup. I dunno why but I have this weird habit of eating a couple of

I have some dates in the freezer right now. I like how they can still retain a palatable texture even at sub-freezing temps. I don’t eat a lot of ice cream but dates are an integral part of my frozen fruit repertoire and also the one that doesn’t require any prep.  

The recipe leads me to believe that any liquid in the dish gets soaked up by the grains, leading to the leaden, mushy mess the writer was describing. Otherwise, the sweet syrup could be replaced with tomato paste and it’d be pretty much beef barley stew with beans. I could eat a hearty beef barley stew once a week

I made a loaf of pan bread with some honey, brown sugar, and blitzed mixed nuts and it turned out to be surprisingly edible. Considering it was my first attempt at making bread and I essentially just used the process I normally make pizza dough with, I was happy with the results even if they only resulted in me ending

I’ve been using crushed fire-roasted tomatoes for my sauce and I’ve been liking the result. The only real effort I have to make is dumping the tomatoes out on a mesh strainer and letting gravity do its thing for five minutes. Some people put anchovies in their sauce as well but I swap out the anchovies for fish sauce.

Have you seen these people? These are exactly the kind of people who need to breed like rabbits. The mirror-breakers are the ones who need to keep things in their pants.

Of course I’m late to the party because I’m just now seeing this article some 7 months after it went up...

I feel like if you already have a pizza stone, you’re halfway there!

The first time I got a crispy bottom on a solely oven-cooked skillet pizza (no further stove-top heating after leaving the oven) I sliced up the pizza and let the slices rest on the cutting board. I got once piece with a nice crunchy bottom and by the time I went back for the 2nd piece, it had gotten flaccid on the

It really depends on the type of pizza. A pizza that gets cooked in a specialty oven is obviously going to be harder to replicate without access to that oven. Pan pizza is pretty easy to faithfully replicate once you nail the sauce and dough, and that’s pretty much the reason why I like making pan-style at home. It’s

I too am a fan of canned salt tamales.

I don’t know if Dave’s naga jolokia sauce uses capsaicin or not, but it has a flavor that I can detect even when diluted to the point of being a couple drops in a bowl of soup. That being said, I’d rather go with a sauce that can be used as an actual sauce and as a vehicle to deliver heat. I’d kill for an enchilada

I can’t not feel happy about seeing a picture of a cat, but my brain is actually zeroing in on the bottle of hot sauce in the background. Is that weird?

I assume the sausages are fully-cooked in this recipe. My mother always used to do variants of this sheet pan bake with onion, peppers, starches, and fully-cooked bratwurst.

The appropriate level of white sauces in a ranking of the 100 best dipping sauces is “none”.

The appropriate level of white sauces in a ranking of the 100 best dipping sauces is “none”.

I’m fairly certain the Barker’s hot varietal showed up in a local grocery store about 4-5 years ago. What I saw were three chiles labeled under Hatch: mild, hot, and xtra-hot. I thought nothing about the heat level of the xtra-hot because I assumed that at their basic level, Hatch chiles are very similar to Anaheim

There’s also the mac & cheese commercial where the kid claims to be “allergic to all things green”, so in comes Kraft mac & cheese to the rescue! It’d be funnier if it weren’t such an accurate reflection on this country’s eating habits and how large food conglomerates both perceive those habits and distort them in