
So I guess we can add defective taste buds to the growing list of deficiencies the man possesses then. I’ve tried a few of those “oh, you can’t even taste the cauliflower, you won’t even notice it’s there” carb-cutters and I’ve been able to detect the cauliflower in every single one. At this point, if someone happened

A couple cans of chili-seasoned beans thrown into a pan with sauteed onion and green pepper makes for a great burrito filling. The best part is the whole meal costs about the same as one pound of 80/20 ground beef and it gets even cheaper if you use unseasoned beans and use homemade taco/chili seasoning. Ranch-style

Oops, I can’t edit the previous post anymore, but the peanut butter was actually agreeing with me. I didn’t see the “hard-G” label and assumed that the peanut butter was trying to say that “GIF” and “JIF” are interchangeable.

Gift is my go-to comparison because it’s the most similar word to GIF. No other word in the English language begins with g-i-f or even has that letter combination in it.

It’s probably the same reason why recipes that call for substituting a portion of a starchy component with cauliflower don’t do a full-on replacement. The end result would just be terrible. 

New Jersey exists because the Yankees need fans. New Yorkers who are confident with their identity root for the Mets.

For a while, if I wanted to use pork shoulder for something like pulled pork or tacos, I’d sauce up the entirety of the shredded pork that way and be left with a bunch of pork that wasn’t versatile enough to encourage me to use up all the leftovers before they went bad.

I absolutely love it when people refer to a certain food as being an appetite suppressant. Like, yeah, that’s kind of the point of eating food, isn’t it? I find that a meal of a nice steak, a baked potato, roasted veggies, and toast makes for a really great appetite suppressant.

The last time I had a bag of frozen tater tots, it seemed like they were more salt than potato. If they had been any saltier, they’d have been able to be a 1:1 replacement for regular table salt, and I wish that was an exaggeration but it really isn’t - I felt like I was eating some voodoo potatoes. I don’t know if it

Thanks to Taco Time, I now associate tater tots with hot sauce and “Mexican” food, so I’m thinking that turning the ground beef into taco meat and swapping out the cream of mushroom with a can of Rotel would probably be pretty good. Of course, I would also finish the dish with pickled jalapenos and hot sauce or salsa

I’ve had mangoes that had a noticeable bitterness from what I assume was the very early stages of fermentation. They were still completely edible and still quite enjoyable, at least as far as I’m concerned. For other people, those mangoes would probably be considered too ripe for their taste. Tommy and Kent mangoes

I actually took the effort to discover I was consuming something like 300-400 extra calories per day just from things like coffee creamer and dipping sauces. I cut both those things out and noticed an almost immediate impact. To the average metabolism, those 300-400 calories per day add up to somewhere between 60 to 85

The real issue with alcoholic beverages is that they cause a rebound effect if they’re consumed above a moderate amount. There’s something about all those trips to the bathroom that sends a signal to the brain to start conserving water, and it causes the body to bloat with water after even normal liquid intake, much

You’re killin’ me, Smalls.

A few years ago, I got a block of tamarind pulp and it had been sitting in my pantry unused... until last week, when I busted it open and decided to give it a taste test. After I mixed the pulp and strained the inedible bits, I was left with a very good tasting paste, but I’m now struggling to think of ways in which I

I’d really like to try salty licorice just for curiosity’s sake. Some people have a sweet tooth, but I’ve always described myself as having a salt tooth. Last week, I decided to make a pan bread topped with fennel seed, olive oil and sea salt and it turned out nicely. I guess I developed a fondness for anethole-flavore

I’d swap out the celery salt for celery seed, because there’s absolutely no reason to add more salt to a nitrate dog buried under salty condiments.

If I could facepalm any harder, I’d be putting myself at the risk of a self-lobotomy from the broken pieces of my own nose smashing up against my frontal lobe. Apparently far too many people are so alien to the concept of being fit that they don’t understand what endurance maintenance is. These things are called

All I know is I wish Halvah was a staple among Christmastime desserts. Until that happens, I’ll have to settle for the small bars of marble Halvah for 99 cents.

Speaking of pea protein, I’ve actually used chickpea pasta shells in my quasi-tomato florentine the last few times I’ve made it and it’s been good. I typically make a huge pot of soup at once and over time, regular pasta tends to drink up the broth so eventually the leftovers reduce to nothing more than mushy shells,