
I’m more concerned with the states that went with ranch as the top condiment and judging by the map, they were ID, UT, OK, IA, and AR, which, yep...

I know St. Louis-style uses an unleavened dough but I’m not sure if Chicago’s thin style does. That right there is potentially a big enough difference to be able to separate the two styles into distinctive categories. I’ve eaten tavern style pizza made with leavened dough and I’ve eaten pizza made with dough that

Jim Lefebrve?

I think what we should do is print up a bunch of life-size cardboard cutouts of Steven Miller’s likeness and place those at regular intervals along the border. At the very least, the sight of those will repel the women, and then the men might think twice about entering this strange land alone.

I want whatever weed you just smoked.

I’d go with the persimmon potentate. 

No one wants to eat at restaurant where even if you order a vegan dish, it still comes served with a side of meat.

If you thought this was fun, wait until you hear about my idea for a roller coaster bar!

There’s something about the pickling process that does wonders to things. I can’t be paid enough to eat a cucumber but I have to take extreme measures in self-restraint to pull myself away from a jar of pickles before I consume the whole damn thing. I like both roasted and marinated asparagus so maybe it’s time to try

I haven’t played anything past SC3K, but my nitpicks with the games are that the road systems are incredibly simplistic. I would’ve liked to be able to build one way roads, two way roads, side roads, arterial roads, below grade roads, above grade roads, trestles over dry land, and on/offramps that connect to any type

Sounds like it’s time to throw the dog out with the spent wrapping paper.

Sounds like it’s time to throw the dog out with the spent wrapping paper.

Actually, you’re supposed to sit on that seat because if you don’t, you’ll get wet and put yourself at risk of BIG TRANSMITTABLE DISEASE.

If I had a nickel for every dumb thing I did as a teen, I’d be dead and on top of my grave would be a rather voluminous pile of nickels.

I second this, but only because I quickly recognized the appeal of Outburst soon after I discovered it. It’s a serviceable flavor indeed, but the price point for the alcohol it has is just perfect. I can’t find any other beers with >8% ABV for that price that aren’t malt liquors or other beers that make me regret the


I read this as beer and sprouts and thought that you had really gone off the beaten path just to try to convince yourself that you won’t spend the post-pizza hangover feeling like the human equivalent of foie gras if you just eat those sprouts, which are healthy and completely cancel out the caloric impact of the

You’re not wrong here.

“Awwww, the Denver Broncos?”

I stand corrected. They used the final timeout before that play and I would’ve noticed that if I hadn’t have also been making a herculean effort of holding in my pee until halftime. 

And then he makes up for things with a 40-yard dagger of a run in which his closest chasers looked like they were running in water behind him.