
I second this, but only because I quickly recognized the appeal of Outburst soon after I discovered it. It’s a serviceable flavor indeed, but the price point for the alcohol it has is just perfect. I can’t find any other beers with >8% ABV for that price that aren’t malt liquors or other beers that make me regret the


I read this as beer and sprouts and thought that you had really gone off the beaten path just to try to convince yourself that you won’t spend the post-pizza hangover feeling like the human equivalent of foie gras if you just eat those sprouts, which are healthy and completely cancel out the caloric impact of the

You’re not wrong here.

“Awwww, the Denver Broncos?”

I stand corrected. They used the final timeout before that play and I would’ve noticed that if I hadn’t have also been making a herculean effort of holding in my pee until halftime. 

And then he makes up for things with a 40-yard dagger of a run in which his closest chasers looked like they were running in water behind him.

WAR is also not a constant stat. I believe it differs in any given year based on what the value of replacement level is in that season. While it’s useful to compare players of similar timelines, it’s not always the best thing to use it to compare players across two vastly different time frames. In 1904, Joe McGinnity

So this means Edgar Martinez is a shoe-in, right? Unlike Baines, Martinez actually had defensive value at 3rd before a turf seam tore his knee to shreds. His overall numbers were also lessened by Seattle’s reluctance to hand him the full-time job over a clearly inferior Jim Presley. There’s also no question Edgar’s

You forgot about AJ Pierzynski. 

To put things into perspective, Mike Trout had amassed 37 WAR by the end of his 2015 season. It took him 493 games to do so.

At the very least, it sounds like a bait-and-switch with a payoff hinged around the health of the ticket leader. I’ve never voted for the name of the vice president nor do I plan on doing so in the future.

This is redneck Florida so I’m guessing the nug was at least 30% seeds and stems by weight.

Everyone in prison is gonna want to be this guy’s bud.

I remember a buddy of mine making wine with the bounty of a whole bunch of found fruit and for the most part the wine was really good, but he didn’t have the immediate ability to strain the wine nor the willpower to purchase anything to strain said wine. This stuff had small chunks everywhere that kind of got in the

I just know this kind of conversion pops up in New York city frequently:

Plus it’s not like the Utes were actually going to score anyway. This just prevented them of an opportunity to get disappointed over a failed hail mary.

My latest craving to strike during a ride was for a nice, big soft pretzel with spicy mustard. 

This sums up my feelings on the subject. How much CGI can a movie contain before it can’t realistically be called live action? This movie seems more like Who Framed Roger Rabbit? and not at all like Hooper. 

I loves me some spuds but hold the sour cream. There’s no reason to defile a perfectly good food with it.