
If it’s purely a taste test, then boiling the franks would heat them up in a consistent manner. It’d be a little bit harder to get an accurate test done with varying levels of char on each frank.

I’ve been eating those Smart Dogs for a while now. They’re still a little high in salt content like a regular dog, but I can eat two franks with the works (onion, mustard, kraut, caraway seed) and not feel like I just ate two hot dogs.

It doesn’t need to be 95 degrees and humid as fuck all the time but 63 degrees is preferably winter weather, not something that should happen after the summer solstice. My peppers are not liking this cloudy weather at all because there’s no solar energy heating up the greenhouse. Upper 70's/low 80's is where the Goldil

Nice! You want an orange? Here’s an apple that I painted orange. Now go along and enjoy your fucking orange because that’s all you’re getting!

“What’s the big deal? I constantly lose my shit when I pitch.” - Hunter Strickland

I took some Johnny’s au jus concentrate and turned that into gravy for chicken strip and fries. It was pretty damn good if you ask me.

We really, really need to hold a Hip-Hop Demolition Night. It died ten years ago but no one’s bothered to tell that to its rotten, autotuned corpse.

See, I like the stuff from the 80's and early 90's. Then again, I’ll take crossover thrash over 90's whoa-oo-aa punk any day. Bad Religion made it as far as Generator before they started crumbling down into BR Lite: Now with less Mr. Brett!

Aw come on, I expect nothing short of the utmost taste to come from a band with a song called See Her Pee.

Periods aren’t just something women have every four weeks.

All we know is somewhere, a dong got stroked.

Miller isn’t even suffering from male pattern baldness either. His hair was just so embarrassed to be associated with him that it peaced out years ago. You don’t want to know what his southern border looks like.

It’s IchiMario.

It’s kinda funny seeing Alex gawk at the calories du jour that end up finding their way into the broadcast booth. We all knew what Kruk’s reaction to junk food piled on top of more junk food would be but seeing a player who kept himself in top playing shape ogle the food is kinda funny. It’s okay Alex, you’re retired,

Pair it with hot ham water.

Sounds wonderful. I’ll have to try this as something to switch up my normal soup of garbanzo beans, shell pasta, fennel sausage, basil, and spinach (kind of like a tomato Florentine). Interestingly enough, the first few times I attempted to make anything resembling homemade soup, I used way too much pasta and ended up

There were reports out of western Washington that detailed ash actually falling from the sky. I didn’t personally witness any ash falling but the air just had this persistent musty campfire aroma to it. Interestingly, the weather pattern that repeatedly brought the smoke into the area likely would’ve been much hotter

The Yankees rode a good bullpen to an above .500 record in each of the three recent seasons where they failed to make the playoffs and they never had a positive run differential in any of those seasons. What they did have was a bullpen that consistently locked down close games. Any team with a formidable bullpen will

Canada, if you’re listening, please hack our elections and install someone relatively sane into office.

“Hi Mister Trump, there’s a David Dennison here and he wants to talk to you...”