
Everything’s a gigantic shitfest with them. Jesus himself could descend from the skies tomorrow with promises of eternal salvation for all and FOX News would just be like “Jesus sure looks a little bit off to us. That Jesus fella there looks a little darker than we’d like to believe he DO NOT LISTEN TO THE

I was under the impression the “K” came from Tim Keefe, one of early baseball’s most dominant hurlers.

Or we can just continue to call them K’s because it’s not hurting anyone.

We can go for four with that attitude.

This is where as an employee, I would like to be able to tell the customer that I’m making a mental tabulation of their misdeeds and for any infraction they commit, that’s one less fuck that I give. Far too many people think that the rules of common courtesy only extend to one party of the customer/employee

All I know is a wrestler who goes by the name “The Progressive Liberal”
is sure riling up audiences in the independent circuit. He’s the perfect heel.

You won me over with your statement about setting the Thunder back a decade. That franchise hasn’t yet had a protracted period of mediocre-to-bad teams and I feel like we’ll really get an accurate gauge of what that fan base is once that happens. They just don’t deserve both Westbrook and now George after what they

I couldn’t have stated things any better myself.

“Where’s the requisite sandy vagina?” - Some commentator from Jezebel, probably.

I quick pickle jalapeno peppers with onion, garlic, and dried oregano in a style similar to a former nearby taqueria. Aside from Mexican food, these peppers also make it onto anything from salad to pizza.

*Sleaux clap*

Geniuses...FFS! There’s no need for unnecessary apostrophe’s.


The graphic shows a 1/4 full tank of gas. I remember the times in high school when that was practically a full tank. I know I cut it pretty close quite a bit but I only ran out of gas once, and I came to rest on an incline that sent the gas to the pump so I was able to restart the engine and drive the remaining 750

I’m enjoying it while it lasts. Zunino doesn’t need to carry the offense by himself but the pitchers can sure use the extra insurance.

She probably hates the Sex Pistols then. In fact, I know she hates the Sex Pistols.

What’s wrong with that?

I agree. 7/5 is a majority, but mostly would be closer to 11/1, 10/2, or 9/3. Almost and most are synonymous and to use a baseball reference, no one’s confusing a lazy fly ball to the center fielder for almost being a home run. 7/5 is one person away from .500 with this small sample size.

Bot Stockerman.

I kan’t kondone this either. Spelling Kyle with a C? That’s just unakkeptable.