
That’s the whole point.

My first car in high school was a LeSabre and I maxed that sucker out on US 2 east of Waterville. The speedometer only went to 100 but a friend following me said his speedometer maxed out at 110 and I was pulling away from him. I used to frequently speed in my teens but quickly found out that traveling 5-10 over and

There’s no need to bring sweet, innocent vanilla into this. Pence has the personality of a rotting turnip.

The level of salt in here is enough to supply an upper Midwestern state with an average winter’s worth of road protection. It’s an unfortunate play to happen but a player jumping up and landing on another player’s foot is a relatively common occurrence in this sport.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more worce-planned intersection than that.

It’s in sharp contrast to I-5 between Medford and Redding. The road goes over the Siskiyous, down into a semi-desert valley with plenty of Shasta views, and then through pine-filled mountainous terrain with views of the mountains and eventually Lake Shasta before it reaches the northern limit of the central valley.

It was even worse when the freeway only had two lanes going through the Centralia/Chehalis area. All it took to produce a mini-bottleneck was one trucker deciding to pass another trucker and it seemed like that area was especially bad for that. At least the traffic on the two lane segments of I-90 is low-enough that

That’s kind of the point, though. If the opposing keeper kicks the ball into his own net, you don’t offer to quash the goal because it was the result of sloppy play, you take the point and hope he does it again.

Yes we did.   

It’s much harder for a kangaroo to jump on top of someone’s head when they’re already on top of someone else’s shoulders.

Eddie Betts!

When their accent starts sounding more like a New Zealander, that’s how!

Hell, we had that game in the 90's. It was probably a better thing to do with a football and four kids as opposed to playing a pickup game of football with four people.

They showed weekly AFL matches last spring/summer/fall right up to the Grand Final. I think they might start doing that again after the current soccer tournament they’re airing ends. I don’t want to watch that football, I want to watch a version of football where stuff, you know, actually happens.

All that choreography for a simple behind.

I always assumed the best way to avoid being called stupid was to refrain from doing things that warrant other people calling me stupid. It’s like someone who unwittingly steps in dog shit outside, walks inside someone else’s home and tracks it all over the carpet then gets upset at the dog who took the shit and the

I think you got it right the first time.

So what you’re saying is we should have universal healthcare for everyone? I totally agree with you there.

Dear president pants-on-fire, if you’re upset that the talk about Russian collusion isn’t going away, you probably shouldn’t have begged Russia to help you out during one of your campaign rallies.

Yeah, but what about Hillary?