
Sadly, it was later discovered that the Bryant Reeves that was playing in the games was actually a sasquatch that had wandered down from his outpost in the coast mountains.

The Giant Meteor just might be the Rocktober surprise we’ve been watching out for.

1997 was the only year that all of those players got to play a healthy, full year together. Alex came up for a little bit of 1995 and Randy was hurt for most of 1996 and was traded at the 1998 deadline.

No, no they weren’t. The Knicks struggle to consistently make the playoffs in a league that puts half of the field in the playoffs every year. The team based in New York that isn’t the Mets consistently fielded a team at or around the top of the standings. The baseball playoffs are a crapshoot and the Yankees just

Yes, yes it would be. The Seattle market is bigger than the OKC market. People like to forget that Clay Bennett and his ownership practices were the biggest reason why fans stopped showing up to games in the first place. He had very little incentive to put a quality product on the floor and fan apathy was the result

This is basically the same argument I’ve been making about OKC to other NBA fans and I get dismissed as being a butt-hurt Sonics most of the time. It’s slightly infuriating that the fanbase gets special recognition from the media for doing something that should be expected of them, given the circumstances.

As someone that played quarterback, one would think he’d be capable of sustaining a drive.

Yes it is. Bask in it’s glory for a bit. The only thing that would’ve made this better is if six months ago, Durant publicly stated that his intentions were to stay.

Yeah, I don’t really feel bad for the fans of “that” team because they shouldn’t even have a team to root for. May neverending sheningans ensue as long as Clay Bennett has his fat fucking fingerprints all over the team.

They literally make a mountain out of a molehill. The “dragged through the garden” variety has about eight different toppings on it. At that point, the actual frank might as well not even be there.

The terminology gets really weird. Coney Islands are apparently sold in Michigan and New York system wieners are sold outside of New York state. All I know is that I never have to defend my preferred hot dog condiments to other people.

I always figured New York-style had chili sauce, mustard, and onions. When I use chili, I usually swap the mustard out for jalapeno peppers.

Mustard, sauerkraut, and onions...the holy trinity of the hot dog.

Yeah, I didn’t eat hot dogs for a long time after being subjected to king dogs with ketchup.

This is good.

Way to one-up his ignorance with a nice, steaming pile of your own. It seems like you’re having problems differentiating between two cities as well.

The below-ground pool and palm trees in the background are dead giveaways that this video wasn’t shot in Cleveland, at least.

If this were true, he would’ve been able to revive his career once it was clear it had hit the skids. I call bullshit.