
Yeah, making the goalposts higher would eliminate this from occurring once and for all. The only things I can think of that prevent this from happening are the spending of money to eliminate a judgement call that doesn’t occur very often and safety concerns (higher uprights might be more susceptible to high winds).

It’s just really hard to tell. The only definitive camera angle would be directly above the upright. To me, the camera angle that comes closest to showing a good attempt doesn’t show how high the kick cleared the upright by. Since I put 18 points on Duke to win in my pool, I’ll allow the results.

If it goes over the upright, it’s no good because they can’t assume the ball would’ve bounced in even if it would’ve hit the taller upright. The camera angle that shows the ball going “inside” the upright is also a bad perspective to use.

He hit the pavement harder than he’s hit any baseball in the last three years.

I’ve been known to excessively tweet after eating Skyline chili, so this isn’t unprecedented.

The fuck that thing is a Bostonian struggling mightily to not sound like an idiot ... and losing.

Other than Eagles of Death Metal and Essential Logic, everything in this list is garbage. Why does it seem like as technology gets more advanced, music gets worse?

You had me in stitches with the pick it up, pick it up, pick it up line. I think I’m going to listen to some Operation Ivy now, thanks!

So when Chicago rolls out the red carpet for Heyward, will they also be using that red carpet to cover up everything in the city south of Comiskey?

Well, if he was a refugee and he didn’t want to be spotted, he should’ve just shadowed Adrian Peterson. That guy was nowhere to be found last Sunday.

Ah, I see McCoy’s being petulant and that’s what this boils down to. He didn’t want to leave the Eagles so he smeared Chip’s reputation on his way out of town.

The people that throw and toss fish at the Pike Place fish market disagree with you.

I’m a long-time baseball viewer, and I oppose computerized strike zones. There’s just no fun in that, and part of the appeal of the game is seeing the players adjust to how the ump is calling balls and strikes.

Poupin is a very apt name for a cat. Pukin and Peein are also acceptable.

Kobe is reportedly jealous of Odom’s strokes, seeing as he can’t find his.

I’m guessing that he touched a woman’s back, back, back, backside inappropriately.


Now playing

Candy corn would be better and cheaper if they just made it out of candle wax like it was intended to be made from.

I think you confused a quality start for a mediocre game. 3 earned runs in 6 innings of work is perfectly acceptable.

Kinda like how the Cubs lost because Bartman turned down offers to have a role in the festivities of this year’s series.