
This is what my favourite gym shirt says to that

The owner of Amazon is literally the absolute richest man on Earth. The reason employees don’t get paid enough is not because customers don’t spend enough. Maybe if jerks like this delivery guy thought about that, they could do their jobs like civilized human beings.

i dont know, sir. i think asking that your animal isn’t targeted by having a box dropped on to it isnt too much to ask; i feel like not hurting animals is just common decency and the fact that he so casually threw a box on a dog shows signs of a bigger problem inside that guys head and ability to make logical

So do you buy from large companies like Amazon? They pay no taxes. Do you regularly complain about that?

I wholly support servers’ right to under-report their tips. They get treated like shit and paid like shit. Meanwhile, the 1% and every corporation in the country is evading left and right, but it’s the person who makes $3 an hour that everybody is getting all up in arms about.

I generally tip cash, I know too many restaurant/bar owners who are dickbags and I don’t trust them to give it all to the servers.