
It’s right in line with like 90% of people who introduce themselves as “I’m a freelance...” or “I’m an independent....” Ah, so you’re unemployed?

“We, the taxpayers, had the distinct honor of paying $10 million this month in travel expenses so Donald Trump could sleep in his big boy Florida bed for three weeks in a row. For contrast, Obama only racked up $97 million over eight years. Sad! “

No problem - as soon as we legislate that:

I am not a fan of her politics but she is killing it with the burns on 45 & co

This brings me great joy.

The Richard Dawkins hate meme is so 2012. It’s kinda jarring that you think not intelligent = not fine, but I suspect you’re just angry at atheists or something.

But isn’t that the whole point? He exposed Piers Morgan last week and we’re still enjoying the Harry Potter lady tear him apart on Twitter. He isn’t giving Milo a platform or reinforcing as much as he is letting the world see what sort of slime ball he truly is. He had Tomi Lahren on too and she came off exactly as

Catlas Shrugged! LOL!!!

Bill Maher is fine. Stop eating ourselves. Some people would benefit from truly knowing what these idiots believe so they can better develop debate tactics to combat them. And Real Time isn’t a conservative safe space so he’ll be hammered. And 0% of Real Time’s audience could ever be converted to these asshat’s side

This survey from baby hands popped on Facebook. Everyone should take it because it’s about media accountability and you can type out answers.

That’s the problem. The paradox really is: “Make decent money with benefits but pay through the nose to live there” or “make shit money and possibly lose benefits but have cheap overhead”. Apartments here push past 1400$ for a two bedroom even if you drive out into the desert, and the bad traffic makes a long commute

This is such disingenuous bullshit.

To the top wit’ ye

I really feel like it’d be inappropriate to consider a SCOTUS nominee in the middle of the campaign like this. We should really wait until the election and let the voice of the American people be heard.

I like the cut of your jib, hollienanner.

I’m pretty sure all but the most genetically blessed would look like garbage next to Justin Trudeau.

I don’t think I can top this tweet

It further proves one can’t buy class.